Rotary DJ mixers with synths?

So do you run your digitakt and a synth just straight into the radius 2? Id be interested to see and hear that :slight_smile:

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finally got around to recording something now that the holidays have died down a bit, a new little song for an upcoming live set. I didn’t do any post processing, just recorded to the computer from the rec out on the mixer (digitakt acting as soundcard) and then synced the audio with the video. Digitakt and Pro2 going straight into the mixer.

This is maybe a little more mixer heavy performance than most of the stuff I will be playing but I find that I can tweak some subtleties and stay pretty safe on the mixer so far. Really enjoying the set up though. Using the highpass to cut the lows can clean up muddiness in the sound nicely and then using the master EQ to boost them can give some really nice rounded bottom end, really feels intuitive and not limiting to me, if you hit the cue buttons you can visually monitor the audio tracks individually on the VU also which is nice if you dont have headphones on. The VU also flashes red if you go near peaking. Very much pleased with it. My full live setup fits in on case now also which I am pretty pleased about.


Interesting. I have spent a bit of time on your bandcamp page, some really solid stuff there. This mixer seems to fit in well with your style. Enjoy!

Has anybody had any experience with the Omnitronic TRM-402? I’m interested in the overall sound and build quality.