Rookie question: Difference between creating a project and a pattern

Hello there , I´m totally new to hardware units… therefore to Elektron… I have been only about a week with the M:S and I love playing around with it and now is the time to actually create and compose some tracks. I know this is a dumb question but trust me when I say it will help me. I see that I can create a project… therefore a project I´m guessing is a “track” right? but I also see I can save or name patterns… so why would I save a pattern? is it because I may mess up a pattern so bad I won´t be able to get back to what I had , therefore is a good idea to save it and name it so that I can always get back to it? is that it?

Thanks a lot guys , is super cool to be part of a community like this.


A project is a collection of patterns, which may or may not be part of the same song. Using a single project for more than one song has the benefit that you can continuously play (loading a project would cause a gap of silence).

Saving patterns: right, that’s for “mess up” protection, so you can safely return to a “good” state without the need to reload the whole project (by just reloading a pattern which is instant without a silent gap) … :slight_smile:


thanks so much for your reply… it does make sense… it would be interesting to see how someone does organise a gig… do they do it by saving several projects then? how many “songs” couldl they fit in one project, how would they work in transitions from one song to the other?

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