Roland SP-404 Mk2 (Part 1)

Yeah, but that’s okay cause I’m taking the bus to work today, so don’t worry about it.


This is a bit frustrating for me because I recently bought an SP-404A. The main reason I would prefer the new Mk2 is the balanced ins and outs.

However, I mainly got the SP-404A for use of long stereo files in live performances and the rca outputs are definitely fine for that.

I once tried running my Digitakt as audio pass through the rca ins and wasn’t very happy with the (slight) change in quality. However, I also once did an AB test of a Prophet X pad sampled through the ins vs played on the keyboard and the sample sounded very clean.

Anyway, the sounds I’ll be using on the SP-404A are stems on my computer, so I don’t need to record in.

I had GAS for a few minutes when I saw this, but I’m fine now. :sweat_smile:

does someone remember how long the period between announcement and release of the verselab mv1 was?

i want to believe it’s real, i love the 404 and this would be amazing, but i have read a lot of doubting comments and now im not sure anymore

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Musictech is reporting on it. Nothing new yet, just reporting on the leaked info from this thread and a reddit thread.

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There was no real update to the SP series for more than 12 years, guess it’s ok to wait in peace until it reaches the market.

It’ll better be b4 Xmas though … :right_anger_bubble:

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Been looking at the 404A a lot recently, guess that can wait now :joy:


There will be some Serius Dealz to be made on the SP404SX/A


Retired but still alive!
I wish he could be battery powered though…


Hell yeah. I also have a 303, and it would have been awesome if they had designed it to work off of batteries.

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Very good point! :slight_smile:

Damn, I just bought a used SP404SX 2 weeks ago, after on/off gas-ing for one since a few years- just my luck :upside_down_face: But I actually fell in love with the workflow and the results you get with the constant resampling. At the same time it’s actually very simple to use and instantly playable. It’s also the perfect companion for the Octatrack.

They seemed to have fixed all the gripes most users have with the old one. I mean finally a Real Pitch, even Chromatic Mode, Mutes, Mute Groups, Envelopes, Multiple FX, More Polyphony (I hope it’s 32 Stereo Voices), Chopping, Waveform View and so on… What’s not to love? They also seem to have managed to keep the SP Workflow intact, which I think is not easy while adding new features at the same time. I’m getting this 100% :sunglasses:


Yep. I’m selling mine for sure. It has been fun while it lasted.

I always wanted an SP but didn’t liked the limitations. This one is on fucking steroids for me. I also play guitar and when I saw Guitar input and Amp simulator… I went bananas.

The Amp simulator from the MCs sounds really cool


I actually love mini jacks for midi. I don’t love the adapters, hence I build a long MIDI -> Jack cable.
But honestly I don’t use it that much so I don’t care.


So it easier/possible to have MIDI in a small factor? Besides that most of the company provides you with adaptors but those are not the only options : Befaco TRS-Midi (A here but B is available) it’s 10 € for 3 (1,50m) so no need for adaptors neither, just to have more cables in the secret cables box :smiley:

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This is great. I hope it has time stretch. Then it would be the sampler I’ve been waiting for all my life.


I think it has, there is bpm sync.

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But BPM-sync was something that the original SP-404SX had too in a way. Even if the implementation was strange. This was only connected to the delay and maybe some more effects which could sync to the bpm. Well, I have my hopes up it ties to the actual samples.

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I’ve always had respect for this design that doubles as a weapon.
„Out of my way, or you’ll meet the rear panel of my 404.“
Handy when trying to reach the booth or stage in a crowded venue.

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you could probably get a vs880 for 50 bucks full of dope sims

If it doesn’t tempo sync effects I think I am out… I have an SP404a, I quickly got fed up of the sequencer limitations, but it works so well for DJing material and EXT IN fun with the Digitakt (for example). BUT the lack of sync on the effects / MIDI sync means it’s lagging well behind the pack, unless you’re doing LOFI where this is less critical.