Roland Integra-7 any good?

Thank you! Will have go through it, sounds really promising!

Is the Roland A-49 a good companion to the Integra-7 ? (as some controls as already mapped)

Another question for Integra owners, is the wifi control with the ipad app as fast as the USB (camera connection kit on the ipad ?

Right now i use a cable, but i would love to have wireless if it’s as fast. The thing is i haven’t had any luck sourcing a compatible wifi dongle. I tried a few but none of them worked with the Integra. I found the older officially supported dongle (onkyo) it’s around 60usd though, and if the app isn’t as fast i’m not sure i would bother.

Thank you!

It’s a pretty nice keyboard for what it is. The action feels better than most cheap keyboards and what I really liked about it is how low profile (as in front-to-back depth) it is. The function for switching channels is quick and easy.

But honestly, any keyboard controller with a few mappable buttons and knobs/sliders would do just as well.

Another question for Integra owners, is the wifi control with the ipad app as fast as the USB (camera connection kit on the ipad ?

I’m testing the iPad app right now via wifi and it seems instantaneous to me.

I too tried looking for a cheap wifi dongle, but eventually broke down and bought the official onkyo one.

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Thanks, sounds good, i just need a basic controller and if it has some stuff mapped already that’s a plus. For more advanced stuff ill probably use a midi twister or similar.

Great to hear, ill snag that overpriced dongle then, as being wireless would be real nice!

Thanx again!

@dreamspy How did it turn out? Did you end up with the Intergra-7 ? :slight_smile:

No I decided that I’d hold on to the Rytm. Trying to stick with the strategy of learning and using what I have, instead of constantly trying out new stuff :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The strategy isn’t working out that well though. Just bought model:cycles. :grin:

It’s sounds great. Good for immediacy. But I miss the advanced controls on the more mature Elektron devices. Still a really fun device!

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