Roland AIRA Compact Series: T-8 beat, J-6 chord & E-4 voice

That makes it really attractive for DAWless setups with vocals: Reverb, looper and a broad range of scatter effects all in one box that runs without a power adaptor. Can’t think of anything combining all of these qualities in one box. Would be even nicer, if you could adjust a few parameters for the reverb as well (predelay, decay) - anyone know, if that’s possible?

Curious on why you need stereo input for vocals. I assume you would send in something that already has important stereo effects on it? Or would you use it to process other signals than vocals?

They said that you can send stuff through it via USB… so I would imagine in stereo?

But the spirit of this thing is an evolution of the original VT-1, so having only a mono mic jack input is certainly appropriate.

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Random pattern generation (great for the bass synth) and probability!

The other Airas don’t have probability. Right?

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this. It would be useful for stereo signals

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It’s a pity the J-6 doesn’t also have a bass-line…

I think Roland has done something very clever here. They have built a small compact lightweight machine that allows you to jam and create ideas anywhere.
I find it consistent to leave out the entire sound design process and just focus on easy, quick access. And of course you can also argue that thousands of tracks were made with exactly these sounds anyway, so why make it complicated? the “perfect sound” is not important for jamming and finding ideas.
I find the concept much more appealing than, say, the Volca FM 2 (which I just don’t know who the target audience is supposed to be)
Anyway, I really like the concept and will definitely keep an eye on the devices.


I feel like the J-6 and Volca FM share a similar target audience. They can both be used as preset machines with fun sequencers, and are both portable. I guess with the Volca FM you can go deeper if you want, but it isn’t necessary.

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I pre-ordered T-8 and J-6 this morning. That was a bit premature. Because in the manual I read later that the drum sounds of the T-8 are fixed. So you can’t choose between a 808 kick and a 909 kick, for example. That is a little bit too reduced for me, especially since I already own the MC-101. I think I will cancel the pre-order.

Some more videos are popping up on YouTube. Pretty cool jam at the end that shows off some vocal looping and mangling. I might order the e-4 sometime down the line, but I think I’ll wait for more reviews to pop up once it’s released.

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How is it possible that I’m the first to say: Rolcas


So, 6 more to come?


Im definately not the target demographic, but of all of the them I think the E4 looks like it would be the most fun to play around with

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All true, but I can’t stop thinking how I would have thought I died and went to heaven to have a 303 and a 909 kick in this tiny magic box back in the day.


They seem ok , but I suspect if I dig into the midi / restrictions etc I’d probably stretch my budget a little to grab the slightly bigger devices.
The t8 seems quite good value due to drums and 303

T9 with 101 built in ?

I didn’t think Roland could make their manuals suck even more, but they seem to have done it with this series


if they don’t class compliantify the mx-1 or come with an mx-2 I’ll be peeeeeved

nice to see them putting out this form factor though, hope the trend expands and keeps going

I think, other than the E-4, that this is an example of where even I would rather use an iPad than one of these. When hardware is comedy-sized a touch screen with all the added benefits of inter-app audio and lower costs starts to feel like a massive benefit.

I’m guessing hardware takes years to come to light. Maybe these boxes were cooked up during the early days of lockdown. Hopefully something more professional is coming in a couple of years.

awaits the moment I stumble upon this comment again after succumbing to GAS


Those ‘more professional’ devices are mc707, tr8s, actual boutique devices , Roland system 8, those other synths recently announced , mv1 , mc101, tr-6s , etc etc

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Well my wife says I’m a big kid, and she just asked what I’d like for my birthday so… :smiley:

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