Right here, right now…

My point is, i think its significant that if someone like craig charles or fbs mimes, eye lids arnt batted much, if at all. If someone like dj die was to get found miming a set at st pauls today, that would be a big deal, his peers would have no respect for him and he wouldnt be invited back again. There a specific crowds that give a shit and specific crowds that dont.

I agree

Is he miming, or is he just dancing?

Deichkind, last week, Vienna

Krawall und Remmidemmi :tongue:


How is it that each member of this band is an imposter of a person from a more popular band? Feels like watching one of those old celebrity impersonator specials they used to periodically do on television.

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I guess it’s because they started out as just a few blokes doing that whole music thing on the side.

(I love the Housemartins. To me, they’re still the best thing Norman Cook has ever done, with Freak Power a close second place.)


Hell yeah. I’ve already caught him a couple times this summer. No two shows are the same, and it is always a blast.

I won’t argue with that analysis on any point made

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