got a brand new Octatrack recently and am very happy with it.
I have a minor thing though - when I use the retrigger feature, which is indeed brilliant and expands the creative potential in a huge way, it mostly does this uncomfortable clicking/popping sound in the beginning of each retrigger of a sample. Is there a possibility to get rid of this clicking while retriggering? I tried fiddling with sample attack, but it didn’t seem to help.
I also tried turning the Loop mode to “off”, and playing with the “Attack” screen parameters, however there’s no help.
What is worse, I play ambient music, and with that I use a lot of delay - and with a lot of delay on clicking samples there’s a whole lot of mess going on, which is not favourable.
I’m struggling. I have a live set coming up in a week and like this I can’t really help it.
sorry, what is the “retrigger feature”?
if i understand it right: try setting “IN” and “OUT” of the second page on the recording setup to 64 or 128. and don’t pitch the sample up! pitching it down is no problem for some reason…
The Amp envelope is only triggered for the first shot, the retrigs do not trigger the envelope, so adjusting it will not help.
Also the OT tracks are monophonic. When you’re retriggering a sound, you’re also cutting out a sound in the process. If those cuts happen at a point that is not zero crossing, you will get clicks, period. It makes sense, and is the way I would expect it to behave. Elektron could probably implement a mini optional fade on the retrigs, that could very quickly fade the retrigs in and out. That is the only way I can think of to consistently fix the issue.
Cheers !
I see. That’s interesting. Gotta try using that.
But still Retrig is something else since you can activate it with the Scenes/fader. Would be great to have it without the clicks - It’s mostly on tonal material that this matters.
I’m having an issue with this right now, this is the closest thread I can find to describe what I’m dealing with. I have my RTRG all the way down to 1 and the RTIM down all the way down but I still get a little chirp. Then if I turn up the RTIM the thing keeps retriggering even though my RTRG value is 1. What am I missing here?
Edit: Just initialized a new project and am no longer having this issue. Does anyone else have this issue where suddenly you can’t turn off retrigger? If so that could be a serious project killer.