"Resetting" A4 after having received MIDI CC automation

I’m sending MIDI CC from Maschine to the A4 to automate certain effects. The thing is, after having sent say some filter cutoff in a pattern in Maschine, I create a new pattern, which doesn’t contain any automation, but the A4 is still stuck at the last parameter it got sent from the Maschine.

Is there a way to alter this behaviour? Is there a way to sort of have the A4-reset to its saved kit settings when not receiving any MIDI CC? I know I could always reload the kit on the A4, of course, but is there a way to get the A4 to do so automatically when it doesn’t receive any MIDI?


maybe we’ll get sysex support for loading kits etc., so in the future you may be able to tell it to reload kit via MIDI, but right now you probably have to hit NO+KIT on the machine.

or, you could use something like program-changes from your controller to switch patterns/kits at the appropriate time?

if Maschine can send SysEx files, you could dump the AF kits into Maschine (individually) and send them back if you want the kits to reset…?

isn’t there a reload kit on pattern change toggle as well !

yep that would need to b enabled when using program changes for the purpose of reloading kits! (GLOBAL > SEQUENCER SETTINGS)

edit: ehmagerd TIME LORD

you took your time :wink:

do we get a cake or something now?

yes, you can have it && eat it ! (off of your frosted glass box when it arrives) :wink:

Thanks, guys! I guess I’ll just have to reload the kit. Not a biggie. :slight_smile:

the program change thing might work though, if you can get Maschine to send a PC when you create a new pattern.

Yeah, the problem is, Maschine can’t send program changes, for whatever reason. Apparently it can with the right type of plugin, though, so I’ll have to look into that. The manually reload kit thing won’t work in the long run, really, so it’s a bit of a bummer.

I’ll try to figure out the plugin, see what it can do. :slight_smile:

Actually tried this now with Ableton Push, but since I’m basically just using one kit stored in one pattern, it won’t reload the kit, since I guess the program change being sent is the same that’s already playing. Which is bloody annoying, cus it would be so damn great if it would just reload no matter what. :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually tried this now with Ableton Push, but since I’m basically just using one kit stored in one pattern, it won’t reload the kit, since I guess the program change being sent is the same that’s already playing. Which is bloody annoying, cus it would be so damn great if it would just reload no matter what. :p[/quote]
When I need to reload a Kit remotely I use duplicated patterns pointing to twins kits.

EDIT: I don’t remember if it works with two patterns using the same kit, I presume not.

Actually tried this now with Ableton Push, but since I’m basically just using one kit stored in one pattern, it won’t reload the kit, since I guess the program change being sent is the same that’s already playing. Which is bloody annoying, cus it would be so damn great if it would just reload no matter what. :p[/quote]
When I need to reload a Kit remotely I use duplicated patterns pointing to twins kits.

EDIT: I don’t remember if it works with two patterns using the same kit, I presume not.[/quote]

Yeah, I was thinking about trying this out as well, having clip 1, 3, 5, 7 etc in Live pointing to Kit 1 and clip 2, 4, 6 etc point to Kit 2, but then if I want to go from clip 1 to 3, for instance, it won’t have any effect, so it’s not an ideal solution.

I’ve found this remote script for Live though, which I think could do something clever. Clyphx.


All I need to figure out now is what kind of sysex to send to the A4 for it to reload a kit. :stuck_out_tongue:

Daisuk wrote

if I want to go from clip 1 to 3, for instance, it won’t have any effect, so it’s not an ideal solution.

If pattern content is like this: 1=2, 3=4, 5=6, etc.
Then you should go from 1 to 4 or from 2 to 3.

Yeah, I know, I just want a flexible solution where I can jump from any one clip in Live to any other, in order to improvise and play around with structures etc. But thanks for the tip. :wink:

Anyways, the Clyphx script can send sysex string messages to the A4 when launching clips, which means I can basically have it resend the Kit to the A4 every time a new clip is launched - the question is - how do I configure that? I need to upload the kit to the computer obviously, but where do I go from there? Any ideas? :slight_smile:

dunno about that script you’re using, but imo just store all the kits as individual .syx files.
then if you want to load a specific kit, take that kit’s syx, change the byte at index 9 to reflect the current patter position (0-127) and send it.

I suggested to Elektron to assign a sysex or cc to the Reload events.

In this way you can perform remote reloads, also record your performance on a midi sequencer then refine it later, this is not possible today because the MIDI sequencer won’t record “reloads” events, nor parameter value changes when performing any reload.

They said on february “it wont happen any soon”, so I guess it wont happen. :frowning:

don’t forget Live and Sysex are uneasy friends, read ‘jumping through hoops’ !

this is so weird! why is this?
is Max4Live also crippled in regards to that?