Removing/Deleting parameter automation on a track?

Hi All, I’m somewhat new to this community and hoping someone can help with this. I’ve searched forums for the answer and haven’t found it yet:

How do you remove automation for a particular parameter that was tweaked in live recording mode? When I clear the parameter page, the Octa still keeps the automation on individual trigs. I have to go to each trig and clear it, one at a time. Isn’t there a way to clear automation for an entire track? If not, I’m dumbfounded by this oversight. If so, I’ll be un-dumbfounded :slight_smile:


When in Record mode, hold [No] and depress the requisite Parameter knob [A], [B] etc.


This is so simple. Thanks a million, Rusty!

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Don’t forget, it’s peeling back the locked automation to allow it to perform with its current value, this may not be the value you had originally as part of the sound before you added the automation

You can also wipe clear all automation for a given track by pressing Fn+No in realtime record (you have to hold for the whole pass, just as above)

An alternative to allow addition and removal of automation could be to copy just before an edit, then paste back the pre-twiddled buffer to instantly restore the original version (if applicable)

Anyway, i’d be dumfounded if you hadn’t spotted those commands in the list of Button Commands in the manual :wink:


Ah, yes. It would be just like them to hide that info in the back of the manual where it belongs! I was looking in the main part and completely spaced on this. Thanks!!!

I can’t get this to work

Totally didnt know you can do this, thanks for bumpin

Make sure that you are in record mode. Also make sure that you hold Fn+No for the entire portion you want to remove the automation.

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I have a question here: when i do this as above mentioned - to hold FN and no the whole passage long, also my slice trigs will be deleted. Is it possible to avoid this?
I only want to remove the parameter locks, not my randomly put slice trigs.
Any help very appreciated, thanks in advance!

Cheers, Duumvir

As Rusty pointed out,

This is not the same procedure as Fn+No which wipes everything. This should only remove the selected parameter’s recorded motion/locks. So, step 1: enter record mode, step 2: hold down [no], step 3: press down desired knob corresponding with locks.

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Sorry, but i don’t understand: i have lets say 16 slices on my trigs, playing randomly.
And i gave a few of them pitch changes. So how can i remove all the pitch changes made for a couple of trigs at once?
It’s clear how to remove them one by one, but i’m looking for a way to remove one parameter (for example pitch) for all trigs (and then not deleting my slice trigs…)

Think i have it now - i have to be in LIVE Recording Mode, then it works.

Sorry, yes, it’s in LIVE recording mode. You got it!

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As this has come up again - some further info which could save newcomers some headaches: