Red MDuw, now +Drive!

Yes it is possible, one by one, but definitely possible.
The kit doesn’t actually get copied in a specific slot (maybe in the TEMP one), but you can do that manually choosing the slot you want.


I went and did it. Just found a, what looks like, new MDUW+ for 1100. I couldn’t resist. Just ordered it now :slight_smile:


Congrats Ryan.

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Thanks. You inspired me!

I inspired you to spend your money. Great!

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Remember I said I never use the sampling. Also suggested to find a +drive from China. :blush:

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Granted, you didn’t really have your work cut out for you. Spend money?! On music? Whoa now! Don’t twist my arm, brother!

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I’d like to try out those free sample packs off Elektron for the MDUW. Also, I want to make percussion kits from coffee cups, and bottles. Can you imagine how quickly the Octatrack voices are depleted assembling a free-form kit?! Very quickly. If I’m trying to arrange sets for performances, I’d drill through the OT Parts WAY too quickly, and it will be nice to have the a more universal range for the MD instead of relying solely on drum synthesis. (I’m spectacular at rationalization)


No idea about the OT mine is a doorstop.

Once the samples are IN the OT it’s very powerful, fun, and liberating. Getting them in there is the pain. The OT has dropped bottom of my love list(from the top) because, lately, I’m preferring the immediacy of their other units. You just turn it on and jam on.

In my opinion, loading musical samples into the OT seems like a waste of it’s potential. I have a vast love for miscellaneous sounds and there doesn’t seem to be a better piece of gear for making music out of any given sound.

are you speaking about loading Slot List?
Do it once and default it

No, that parts fairly straightforward. No more a chore than assigning machines into the MD. Just recording, preparing, and loading the samples into the OT via USB/Computer connection. It’s just a large detour from making music.

Any tips for preparing samples? I was planning on recording them in Maschine and having Maschine normalize them.

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Are you aware how long would take to upload 46/48 samples to MD with TurboMidi 10x ?
At least 10 minutes…

(of course it depends by sample lengths…but not comparable to usb transfer…)

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I’m aware it will take a while to get the samples into the MDUW. Those are kits, though. That and C6 will probably give me an excuse to hardly ever try to load samples in there. Just, once every six months, do a recording random percussive sounds and do a bulk transfer. Let the OT deal only with musical sampling elements

With almost 30GB of samples on the card, I barely load any new samples… I do some cleaning once in a while, that’s all.
Now I prefer sampling directly sounds and loops from my other gear, while jamming…
Lot more fun :smile:

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Hmm. I’m not seeing the benefit of recording my other instruments into the OT. Please sell me on how awesome it is. I don’t see how you’re getting an additional element to the sound. I mean, you can add effects to it, and LFO. What does one gain by doing that?


MwahahHAHAha !!

For instance, I record a MIDI sequence with CC driving a little Volca.
Then I record the audio, OP1 spirit…
(Repeat + switch gear)

The week after, when I’m at my friend’s place with my OT…
We’re having fun, jamming like it will never stop…
Something is rising…
And BANG !
My magic Volca FM Animal Collective loop in his face !!!

He’s mean, he brings it on another level : I destroy the loop with great OT pawa while fetching another one :smiley:

Seen ?

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Congrats brotherman! I regretted selling mine and just picked a new one up from They have a few of the last batch in stock for $999

For anyone reading this and feeling nostalgic:

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Damn! Where were you earlier?! :smiley: