i like dub techno,I want to buy some effect pedal,just like boss re 20,spring reverb or something。Can anybody have better recommend effect pedal option? whatever just can be used by dub techno is ok.
my English is poor,hope you guys understand what i am talking about.
The RE20 obviously, but any combination of electro-harmonix pedals can do wonders for a dub approach.
The Ring Thing, a Small Stone phasor, Memory Man, even that weird sitar pedal or the superego. Boss has a ton of useful pedals for dub effects, a DD7 (or6,5,4,3) combined with a little bit of ODB is perfect dirty dub delay time for sure!
Actually a lot of the original dub effects came from home brew effects and using just a couple of them and exploring them to no end.
A small mixer with a couple of aux sends and returns, a fuzz, a delay pedal and whatever you want should be enough to create the best dub fx in dubtechno today.
What exact pedal you need to buy is all marketing crap and gas, I suggest to go to a local music shop and buy the cheapest two delay pedals they have, the first fuzz pedal you see and then pick another pedal at random and make them your own and overtake the scene!
Do it right the first time and get something with full midi capabilities and awesome effects such as Eventide Space, Eventide Modfactor, and Eventide Timeline. However, if you already own an Access Virus B, C, or Ti–you can simultaneously use them for excellent effects sends while still using the synth.
If on an extreme budget, have been told that the new Zoom MS70-CDR Pedal has excellent emulations of many pro pedals. It can become quite the mess of wires when you have many pedals and reason why best to invest in just a few that are top notch to do what you want and then some.
Hope this helps.
Ensoniq DP/4
thx a lot. what does ODB means? i don`t know. and Why do i need a fuzz pedal? for what?
supa-puss looks awesome!
looks great, but I need some small size fx hardware. so i can use it in my home studio and performance both .
Octatrack and MIDI foot controller?
Pick up a timeline el capistan and never look back. I love it, even more than my Space or any other fx I’ve owned. Even without using it as a proper delay can give great results, fantastic grit and character…
i recntly caved for a zoom MS 70 CDR, and i LOVE it. It just kill all my effect lust, apart from a distortion. The ms 50 g Has some, and i see myself taking one in the futur.
Minus: no midi, plus in fact it’s 6 stompboxes in one: you can chain 6 effct Inside it, it can be a little time consuming to tweak live with only 3 knobs, and often 2 or Three pages /effect.
but you can programm a suit of " 6 effect preset, which chain one after the other with a one button pess…
I’m Learning it for some time , but it’s just perfect behind my BS2, Or tking as a sort of send betwenn one output/input of my md.
For the price, try to found one second hand, you can’t regret, really.
this thing is deep…and cheap plus etal constuction, and it remind a bit of the elektron interface…
For delay I’m usually gonna say Line6 DL-4 - lots of cool options, sturdy, and an excellent looper thrown in.
- 1 for Eventide Space and Eventide Timefactor
Built like tanks. Sound amazing. Full midi control. Tons of knobs. Instrument/Line level switches. Classic Eventide algorithms
Really though the knobs make the Eventide pedals excellent for live performance and jamming

EHX Memory Man and TC electronic Hall of Fame. Cheap and effective.
I had an EHX Memory Man and found it wouldn’t work at line level. It sounded really dull and gritty. I sold it on
Could I use the pedals out of the box as send/return fx with the elektron machines or are there any issues with the input / output levels?
Isn’t that what the Memory Man is supposed to sound like?
I’m thinking about a Memory Boy to make sounds dull and gritty.
TC Electronix fireworx is a very good option, but isn’t in a pedal format. Offers lots of weird mangling and standard multi effects with various routing options.
Isn’t that what the Memory Man is supposed to sound like?
I’m thinking about a Memory Boy to make sounds dull and gritty.[/quote]
Not in a good way.
I sold it to a guy who plays guitars and it sounded nice with his guitar, amp etc.
The i/o on a lot of pedals isn’t configured to work at line level. You can use a re-amp and a DI in the send/return chain but not the tidiest solution.
Best to just buy a pedal that definitely operates at both line and instrument levels
Note the switches on the back of the Eventide pedals for selecting the type i/o
it’s funny as to what comes around goes around. I’ve been seeing a noticeable rise in price the past few years for choice digital FX rack units from the early/mid '90s. The bottom of this market seemed to be around 2003-2005 when everyone was dumping them at once for VST’s and the move ITB. They generally have been pricing flat and even rising ever since. In particular, the units I decide to pick up.
I just picked up a Boss SE-70 (mainly for the vocoder and phaser) and have an SPX-990 on the way. I also just bought a new Pigtronix Chorus pedal that should be a lot of fun.
As was stated earlier, the Ensoniq DP/4 is another FX box that gets a good rep in the low-cost '90s used market. Each of these old FX units do certain things well but are not so good in others. But it is fun finding out things they can do that VST plugs just can’t seem to replicate.