Recently, constant errors in audio player

Hey folks … in recent days, the embedded audio player is misbehaving for me most of the time: “Error” messages, or starts to play silently.

This is on a 5th gen ipad, ios 16.5, same issues in safari and chrome.

This kind of glitching always happened occasionally, but now it seems to be almost all of the time. Any suggestions?

(I didn’t see a previous topic when looking down the list—apologies if this has been discussed)

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Can you link to a couple of posts where you are getting this error, please? A screenshot of the error message would be useful as well.

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Thanks for the response.

  • Of course, now THE PLAYER IS WORKING AGAIN. So I guess my issue is a non-issue. Maybe relating to internet speed at a given time?

  • Here are some posts with the audio player that weren’t working earlier today—all in CURRENT SOUNDS COMING FROM YOUR GEAR (PART 2): #2738, #2739, #2746, #2749

  • Since everything works again, I’m not able to screenshot for you. What was happening was either the word “ERROR” showing in the player graphic (and no audio playing) or normal visuals but silent audio (while the player appeared to be moving correctly).

No further complaints here. This happens once in a while since I’ve been on the forum, but I don’t mind that. The fact it was happening alll the time, earlier today, was more of an issue.

tldr: never mind and thanks.


I’ve always had quite a bit of trouble playing embedded tracks on the current sounds thread (duckduckgo browser on android). They often don’t play or require a refresh of the page to become playable. I’ve always assumed it’s just down to the sheer amount of instances of the embedded player on the page slowing it all down, and me using a shit browser.

I’ve never had an error message though, if it happens again maybe throw a screenshot up here for reference should it ever become a bigger issue.

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Will do, thanks.

My guess is I was dealing with the same thing you’re describing—sometimes the pipe’s too small to move the data, somewhere along the line.

The music-posting threads are sort of the heart of the forum. As a newcomer, I love seeing how many tracks get posted and hearing what different people do.

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I think that’s an iOS bug cos I was having the same on a number of sites last week, seems to have resolved it somehow

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