Random timing variations?

Is there a way to change microtiming randomly on any of the Elektron devices?

I’m want to be able to place trigs on two tracks at the same time, but making the timing a little bit rough–say, as one would if two people were trying to do percussive things together in precise unison. I figure that if there’s a way to do this on any of the Elektron boxes, there’s a way to do it on a lot of them, but I can’t find one offhand.

For example, it would be nice to be able to route an LFO with a random waveform to track microtiming.


Humanise like the R5/R8 could be nice on timing/velocity, but it’s not on any devices. I wouldn’t hold out too much hope but I would like a bit of this controlled slip either way too

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One trick that you probably remember from the old days is to put a little silence at the start of a sample and then randomly change the start point of sample playback.


That might do it. I guess I could do that on a Digitakt or Analog Rytm.

But the only way to arrive randomly early is to make all steps early (and padded) by default and accommodate slips to the right only. A bit of a faff unless late timing variations do it for you or you don’t sync to anything else

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I see no reason why the sequencer couldn’t be designed to be able trigger early.

i’m discussing teh workaround.

i don’t see Elektron shifting their paradigm to accommodate the possibility that Trigs come early (less so late) - especially given all the other dependencies - it would likely be trickier than it sounds theoretically

Why not email your suggestion to feature-request@elektron.se - this is not the place to guarantee to attract their attention

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Doesn’t the micro timing menu let you trigger early or late?



Sure, microtiming goes in both directions.

Yesterday I thought about putting all trigs one step earlier and having silence in front of all samples, which could then be modulated for early and late trigs.
Dial in the correct start point, and set up lfo modulation.
Similar to what @avantronica suggested doing with microtiming, but no need to apply microtiming to all trigs. Func+ Left Arrow could also be used to shift the sequence left.
The trig on step 1 should either be set normally or 1st condition (the shifted trig would have No1st).

But that would mean preparing samples with silence for different tempi…

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I would love a lfo -> microtiming feature. actually I would reaaaaaally like this! the idea with silence in front of a sample is ok, but you would have to edit a sample and reimport it. not the coolest workflow imo.


Sure, that would be awesome.

I‘ll prepare a few samples with silence later and do a little session in OT.
Pretty cool, that we can setup scenes and use the crossfader as a kind of humanize amount control^^

Leave space at the beginning of both samples, just a couple milliseconds, lay out the triggers on each track, assign LFO on each track to sample start point and tune it to be gentle enough to where start point doesn’t go far enough forward to pass the transient and doesn’t go far enough back to sound retarded (pun! :sob:)… with the LFOs running on each track, there will be microtiming differences on every trigger of the track based on how much silence is left before the sample transient, and if the LFOs are free running it will never repeat, trigger to trigger or track to track, compounded effect of both will be a fiesta

Do any Elektron devices have Swing accessible through Midi CC or SysEx? If they do you could modulate that externally with other equipment or possibly the Midi Out-to-Midi In trick on some machines.

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If you want to get complicated, sequence the midi track, send it out to a zoia, attach a freerunning LFO to a CV delay and get it to wiggling, send the wobbly midi back in to the sample track…now you have analog drift on midi trigger timing. Kicking the robot if you will

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