Quick Tip #1: Round Robin Rytm

I made this little video the other night. I wanted to use those beautiful filters on the Analog Rytm with a set of FM oscillator waveforms- but instead of using the onboard sequencer to manually make it sound like a polyphonic synth, I created a MIDI router for my Octatrack.

In this video the Rytm is being used as both a 4 voice hybrid synthesizer (using sampled FM waveforms through the analog filters) and an analog drum machine. Synth voices are sequenced by Elektron Octatrack running through a MIDI router which turns 4 tracks of the Rytm into a polyphonic synth. Audio output is from Rytm only.

Fredrik (our social media god) asked me if I could make a video that explains a bit about how I have set it all up. Of course I obliged.

I hope you guys enjoy this, and hopefully I will make some more videos like this in the future that explores the more experimental sides of the Elektron instruments.


i’m a hardcore G1 fan, i prefer the filters, i knew the G2 was better on Midi i/o but had no idea it could be that flexible, shame they’re so pricey these days, the GAS will pass - nice vids - i made a similar midi router in Max for the Nord rack 2 which I also used with the A4 before poly came along - it’d be so much better to have a little hardware box, possibly even doing it in pd on an Rpi !

edit: before anyone points out the nord rack is poly already, i know that, it was to get the timbral variation on 4 voices

Yeah, the G2 is really the boss when it comes to MIDI.

The Pure Data patch seen in the video, I made that to do this with a Raspberry Pi, but I had some issues with my MIDI interface– not only to just get it running, but also issues with lag, sync and so on. The G2 is really handy in that way. It handles everything like that really well. But yeah, quite expensive bit of kit for such a simple application.

If you want a hardware box that does a lot of MIDI trickery, check out Audiothingies MIDIbro, it’s a clone of Mutable Instruments MIDIpal:

You can use that as a round robin style router.