Hello there,

I have been trying to figure out the difference between the two global settings in Quick mode: CHANGE & LOAD, but they don’t seem to make sense so far. Is there any savvy user out there, who could kindly explain:

  1. the reason/interest of choosing between CHANGE or LOAD in the quick mode menu—especially with regard to workflow and memory storage.

  2. Why would I need to save individual snapshots (by clicking “save” in the snapshot menu that is), if quick mode CHANGE is selected? I understood from the manual that the advantage of selecting CHANGE (as opposed to LOAD) would be that any edits made to patterns, kits, etc would be automatically saved in the snapshot I am working on, just so I wouldn’t have to go into the snapshot menus every single time. Am I getting this wrong?
    I did a test but if I make an edit to a snapshot (e.g. I create a new kit within a new preset) with CHANGE selected and then load a different snapshot, the edits made to the first one don’t get saved after reloading it. What is the advantage or the actual function of the CHANGE setting then?

  3. Considering that keeping CHANGE selected won’t anyway save any edits made to a snapshot after loading a different one, what would the advantage of using the snapshot LOCK function be?

Ideally, I would like to be able to load a snapshot, make new kits/patterns within it and not having to go into the snapshot menu to save my work every single time: that’s what I thought the CHANGE option would be there for—which would make a lot of sense if it actually worked that way, but I seem to fail to understand.

Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts and knowledge with me.


Change will save the current snapshot before changing to the new one. Load will open the next snapshot without saving. meaning you’ll lose any unsaved chages to the snapshot you’re currently in.

Use cases.

Change mode is good when you’re building and working on a few projects and making kits.

Load is good when you have a live set that needs several snapshots and you don’t want to save the live tweaks you made while performing.


Thanks for replaying @astricii. Still doesn’t work somehow.
So, I have “snapshot 1” loaded, while the quick mode setting is on change. I make a new kit called “testkit1”, select a few trigs, save and rename that kit. Then I go into the snapshot menu (while the change option is still selected) and I load “snapshot 2”. Then I go back to “snapshot 1” and the kit “testkit1” I had made is not there anymore.

Do you know why that is? Maybe I am just not getting which kind of edits the function change allows to retain.

thanks again!

What step by step process are you doing to change the snapshot. These settings dont affect the loading of projects via the globals menu. this should only affect the shortcut for changing (Long press Func+Global or Func+Kit)

“What step by step process are you doing to change the snapshot” -> Long press function, global, slot 1, snapshots, load snapshot

Hmmm is the slot locked? that’s the only thing I could think of that would prevent saving the snapshot

Nope, the snapshot is unlocked. That’s why this is so confusing.

And then menu says change when you pull it up not load?

No the only options I see in the snapshot menu are: load, save, rename, erase, lock, unlock. Should it say “change” too?

What I do is press “load” which is the only way I can go into a new snapshot

Ohhhh no, HOLD FUNC plus global and keep holding it. a new menu should pop up that says Load or change depending on the settings you have and it will have just a list of snapshots.


ahhhhhhh stupid me. thanks man :heart::heart::heart: