Quick Access Microtiming!

Just discovered this: with step record mode enabled (red record light is lit) click and hold on a trig then press a left or right arrow key.

Hey presto, microtiming menu appears along with quick access Trig Conditions!

Whoa, i did not know it was so easy and cool.




I do it this way too. It’s the same on RYTM.
Didn’t know there was another way. :joy:


Trig page on AR, Note page (I think) on A4. I never use that way though either.

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I’ve gotta start doing some microtiming … hmmm … atmospheric sound of crickets chirping.
Not quite sure where to start.

:rofl: :joy: rtm then ?

How were you getting into microtiming before? I always did it that way.


Me too. The only way I know

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I wish all the TC enabled machines allowed TC parameters on the micro-timing menu.

I know a few people say the TCs are inconvenient from that method, but logically it seems peak convenient

yeah likewise , whats the other way ?

Upside down maybe ? (Australian way) :wink:


+1 for always did it this way, what’s the other way?

Maybe retitle the thread “Access Microtiming!”?

It is convenient to have microtiming and CTs in one place…

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Remember how we found out about TRC?
Image copyright @Sugamo 2017


Access microtiming through OctaEdit. This is the other way. :nerd_face:

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So you can just draw it in or copy/paste or something? :open_mouth:

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Of course I don’t know. But yes - drawing trigs, no? :thinking:
I am sure you made this possible.

Sequencer: Modified behaviour when editing/drawing MicroTiming, Trig Counts, Sample Locks and Parameter Locks…

On the way to buy OctaEdit for my mkII, so I will be more interested to these features very soon :grinning:

lol how were you doing it before

Wow. What a discovery. This should be definitely added to the manual.

Oh, wait … it’s already there - directly in the Microtiming chapter.


Previously erroneously presumed that microtiming was on the Track Trig Edit pages lol. I have not used microtiming nor the arpeggiator on the Octatrack mkI nor mkII.

Have captured many four bar loops though, and that is an artform in itself to avoid clicks at the start or the completion of the loop. :joy:

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