Question about Midi Lock Trigs on the DT & DN

So right now my setup is a Torso T1 into DT through to OT through to DN out to Dreadbox Hades

I have everything being controlled by the T1 with the exception of the Hades, which is being controlled by the 1st midi track on the DN (which in turn is also being controlled by the T1). I am using the midi LFO on the DN to control the Mod wheel for some CV action on my Hades. When I engage the LFO depth on the DN manual, it activates. But when I plock the depth to some trigless trigs…nothing happens. What’s weird is that then, when I actually press down on the trigless trig, the LFO engages.

I would like to be able to set the trigless trigs up with some random percentages on the trig conditions so the LFO engages a CV pitch up or down randomly, but the pitch and gate are all being controlled by the T1.

Is. This. Possible?

Sorry I’m just guessing blindly here:

Have you already tried isolating the DN and the hades by turning off DN’s receive to make sure that this doesn’t somehow have something to do with T1’s through to DN? Just wondering if the behavior is the exact same with those 2 boxes quarantined.

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I have not but to do that I would have to make the Locked trigs note trigs. Which isn’t exactly what I’m after.

Again, I’m not exactly sure this is possible.

Just didn’t know if anyone had experience with this.

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I have a feeling @alechko or @sezare56 knows the answer, maybe one of them will have time to venture an opinion.

Alright, so I thought about it a little bit and is there already an LFO active on the DN midi track for hades where you have the trigless trigs placed? Could this have to do with the condition where the same CC won’t send twice / consecutively? IE the LFO CC is already sent via midi on that track, you try it again with a different value and it doesn’t engage?

I think it’s like that with CC and PC where the workaround is to send another CC before resending the same one. Again, I’m just guessing so this may be irrelevant to your use.

TRIG page LFO.T to trigger the lfo…

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That is engaged.

And there is not another LFO its just this one.

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Oh…are you saying that could be plocked? I didn’t think about that. I’ll try that when I get home.

It has to be plocked to be engaged on lock trigs, they are disengaged by default.

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you mean how filter and lfo are disengaged by default when the lock trig is engaged.

Maybe better ways to say it but by default, lock trigs are already plocked like this (LFO.T and FLT.T off).

Lfo Depth can be plocked without LFO.T so I am not sure if LFO.T is the culprit, depends if the lfo is triggered by a trig…


So ? Could you get home ? :content:

Yes. And sadly…still nothing. I think I know how to solve this problem. It’s not going to work exactly as I hoped but it will still be pretty cool none the less.

I could use an lfo on Modwheel with lock trigs. Maybe the fact that you receive midi notes externally blocks them.
Do you have an available midi track ?


This may be the answer. Whenever I switch it note trigs it still doesn’t work. I think having the incoming midi notes on the midi track negate the trigs on the DN and default to the settings on the screen which is the depth set at zero.

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You can use another track to send modwheel (if you have one free).

Just poppin on here to say this worked. Thanks guys!!!