Always readily admitting to things learned: I’ve had this machine as long as anyone. Sampling is an everyday experience and I have zero issues with it. Imagine suddenly discovering QREC at this point. I knew it was there but just never bothered.
When you manually trigger record or indeed playback it’s un quantised, it plays freely!
Hold track & press Rec A/B (or C/D) & it trigs record on the button press.
QREC allows you to define a quantised start position after the button press.
Off does nothing.
PLEN plays one full pattern then records.
4 records on the next beat, 8 after 2 beats etc.
QPL setting is similar but with playback.
It’s perfect if you’re sampling a sequence from another MIDI device as well. You’d set QREC to PLEN, start the sequence playing and it will grab and loop PLEN of the other gear. Since all the MIDI gear is starting at the same time (OT included), everything is nicely in sync.
edit – I forget that QREC is mainly for pickup machines and manual sampling. I’ve been trying to work w. Pickup machines a lot recently and didn’t bother to read/test before posting. My above text makes it seem like it works for record triggers as well (I don’t think that’s the case).
Been using the OT since 2011, and somehow missed this info, i wonder if its not in the manual, ?
Anyway i didnt know it worked like that, thats great,
But does it work with standard rec trigs and then stop by itself,
Or do i still need to use 1 shot rec trigs?
I’m still in noob territory in terms of the various sampling methods so I guess I’m having bother distinguishing the qrec function from a standard recorder trig. Isn’t a trig effectively quantised by the fact it’s on a sequencer step? I know I’m being stupid here, can just tell…
Have my manual right here next to the computer with all my other ones,
but page 52 refers to something else altogether
guess they updated the manual since the one i got in 2011
And i do read manuals, but lets be honest manuals are not very easy reads at there best,
the least you can ask for is a paper version to beable to read it in bed or somewhere comfy,
But now new policy, no paper manual, download the pdf, fuck that, rip off, pain in the arse!
QREC makes it possible to time quantize manual sampling and Pickup machine sampling. • OFF disables recording quantization. • PLEN will, after pressing the keys initiating recording, start the recording process once the pattern has played its full length. • 1… will time the start of the sampling process according to the set number of sequencer steps. If for example 4 is selected, sampling will start on the next beat. If 8 is selected, sampling will start after half a bar.
QPL makes it possible to quantize manual trigging of the recorder buffers and Pickup machines. Manual trigging is done by for example pressing [TRACK] + [PLAY] or the last eight [TRIG] keys. This parameter has no effect on track recorders trigged by the sequencer. This parameter is a reflection of the QUANTIZED TRIG setting available in the ATTRIBUTES menu found in the audio editor. If the QPL parameter is changed, QUAN- TIZED TRIG will thus be changed as well, which can be seen when the recorder buffer of the track recorder is opened in the audio editor. Read more on in the section “ATTRIB- UTES” on page 102. • OFF will make the recorder buffer immediately play back audio once it is trigged. This is the default option. • PLEN will, once the recorder buffer has been trigged, start playback once the pat- tern has played its full length. • 1… will time the start playback of the recorder buffer according to the set amount of sequencer steps. If for example 4 is selected, playback will start on the next beat. If 8 is selected, playback will start after half a bar. CD works just like the AB setting, but for inputs CD.
Also it should be underlined that QREC quantize the stop of sampling too.
So you can have a Recorder set to RLEN MAX and have it stopped whenever you need after, let’s say, one bar (16).
I find it useful when sampling delay feedbacks that I never know where I want them to go and when to end…
Since you can decide when to start sampling, you can decide when to stop too.
You have to set the Recorder in ONE2 mode.
So: pressing Track+Midi engage quantized recording; pressing the combo again will engage quantized stop of recording (after maximum 16 steps, in this case)
I delighted I came across QREC. Had totally ignored it but I had a long play with it last night and it was really starting to click with me. Seems a more natural way to sample so far. Going to play with this some more. Cheers guys.