Q:What does "x" mean next to recorder buffer

I cannot find the answer. Thanks.

I remember it has to do with that :

Content in a recorder buffer is not automatically saved. If a recorder buffer contains a sam- ple and the corresponding track recorder starts to sample the original buffer sample will be overwritten by the new sample. Also, samples in the recorder buffers are not retained in memory after switching off the Octatrack or changing projects. If you want to keep recorder buffer samples they need to be saved to the Compact Flash card. This operation is per- formed in the audio editor and is covered in the section “OPERATIONS” on page 62.

To make it simple, the buffer isn’t saved. :alien:

Thanks Shoki.
“X” is still blinking even though I cleared the recorder buffer.
As you can see from the pic, buffer 1 and 2 are empty. But, buffer 1 has “X”.

I was searching for this as well and found this:

Any operations applied to a Flex sample is remembered for the current session only. If the Octatrack MKII is rebooted or another project loaded, all applied sample edits will be lost. It is thus important sam-ples are saved if you want to keep the any applied edits. In the Flex sample slot list, a blinking star next to the sample name will indicate edited and unsaved samples.