Push 3 Users Thread

There is a limit if you want USB PD charging and full speeds:


And as it relates to Thunderbolt 4 / USB4:

I wanted a long (>2M) Thunderbolt 4 cable for something else and the only game in town is Apple’s very expensive 3M TB4 Pro cable for $160. :exploding_head: I did end up shelling the bucks but I wasn’t thrilled about it.

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Thanks. I used a headphone ground loop isolator and it fixed my issue. Unfortunately my house seems to have dirty power, as this isn’t the first time this happened with gear.

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Woohoo! I was able to remove the Javascript from my “Song Mode” M4L device and confirmed it works perfectly on Push Standalone!! I’m going to make a few UI tweaks to make it easier (trying to keep all controls on one page) and then release it.


Thank you, @goony. Going to take some measurements and do a bit of looking. It will only really be an issue when using Push 3 in controller mode.

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Seems like 2m is the maximum. Dont know what usb push is actually using internally but 2m would be max.
That could at least be enough to put your laptop on the table and take push on the couch

if you have problems with old sticky plastic, try this:

I’m still blown away by how playable these pads are compared to my Linnstrument (previously my favoriate) or the ROLI Seaboard (never really got along with this one).

I would love it if Ableton released a 128 or 192 pad stand-alone controller w/USB and standard MIDI (mini-TRS if need be). I’d by that in a second to pair w/the Push 3 or my other gear.


There is an issue with Avaliable Packs display, which will be eventually fixed.

I could recommend pressing HOT SWAP button after pressing Packs. Usually, it brings back up the avaliable packs.


Did anyone find a way to show battery charge level when Push is off, wether charging or not?

hmm interesting,
Does reboot fix the issue by any chance?
When pressing in the Volume Encoder, you should be able to switch between outputs and change their volume.

No, currently it does not show the battery levels when it is charging up and powered off.
The battery level will be shown briefly when the Push power supply is plugged in first while it is powered off.

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SHIFT + SAVE should save your current Set as a duplicate version by placing a number at the end of the created title.


In note edit mode, do you know if there is a way to scrub faster? Shift + rotating encoder does not seem to do something.

Also, following my previous feedback, I found a workaround for MPE not working as intended in not repeat mode: it works fine as long as your finger is moving. But the instant you’re not moving anymore, it repeats the base note instead of the finger note. Sooo… I keep moving (imperceptible vibrato) :smiley:

Nope - tried a reboot and factory reset… Pushing the volume encoder does nothing. I think my hardware is broken :frowning: And support hasn’t gotten back to me…worried about getting a replacement with the hardware already sold out. Kinda bummed.

Hmm, what issues are you having with the USB C connection to Push?

I see, that is a shame… Sorry to hear.
Support should get back to you next week - note that Monday is holiday in Germany.

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Thanks! In the meantime I’m running the headphones through the main outputs. So can at least make progress on this M4L device.

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Yeah those are pretty great! Way above everything I played before (which is Maschine MK2, Push 2, Novation Launchpad Pro V1)

But now that I get to experience MPE I kinda understand the piano form factor (Roli): I often find myself limited in my slides, because I start them too close from the end/start of a row, and there’s no way to continue them on the row below (that I found). It could also be improved by showing (illuminating) the slided note, and not only the base note, and giving the ability to pursue slide on another row.

Also the help/lightbulb button is super underwhelming, it just shows a page with links to external ressources that you can’t directly consult on the Push.
I would have liked for it to work like a “shift” button of some kind. I.e. you press “lightbulb + duplicate” and it explains that the duplicate button can be used tu duplicate clips AND projects.


The issue is that Push only works with the DC plugged in. I’ve always liked being able to just sit with laptop and Push with only one cable connecting the two and everything running off the Macs battery.

I’ve tried multiple cables and none of them seem to be recognised in powering Push. They all work when it’s plugged in to DC though so not like I can’t play with my new toy!

The one cable that does absolutely nothing is the USB C cable supplied with Push 3 though. I’ve raised a tech support query but nothing back yet. Hoping it’s just a quirk with firmware and my specific M2 MBP