Push 3 standalone VS Octatrack MK2



Starting to wonder the same thing myself.

Seems like you can record modulation and change parameters per step on push.

Using multiple faders pre-mapped to various parameters could emulate scenes, but would require more preparation.

The idea of one device to replace the OT and even DN and DT is appealing.

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Just bought one myself, especially after watching the new video on how to modulate parameters across multiple tracks within entire songs in Bitwig 5. However, someone else pointed out that the resolution is only 1-127 increments (MIDI standard), which is apparently a whole lot lower than the scenes slider on the OT.

@Dataline just used it sideways like I was (jokingly) saying a few weeks ago and it seems to do the job pretty well. Dataline on Push 3

I actually went the gassy way and went for both.

My problem with the OT has always been that it’s a pain to try and get stems on there for live performance. Well now I don’t need to! So, I got one once again.

So the Push takes care of all backbone activities while OT can ’mangle’, effect, mix, send to effects, glitch etc. The idea is that my live rig would be these two, one effect box and possibly one synth.

I know the OT pretty well by now so it felt like coming home :slight_smile:


Can the LaunchControl XL map faders to pitchbend (which has a higher resolution than 0-127) and then can you map pitchbend to your parameters within Push 3 or whatever you’re using?

Can the push 3 scale clip length (odd length) similar to the elektron?

I just tried this to find out, yes it can. You can press shift and adjust the loop length in .1 increments.


What about step conditon via Max for live devices? Would be super cool.

I find myself using Elektron devices for a lot of MIDI sequencing these days… which is quite expensive for what they are worth…

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Knobs VS Brain.
Working on it.

ps: thats an Push2 without Ableton feed and controlled from dedicated freak-in hot sauce, no Max. After all it is about freedom of choice and not about freedom of final decision. There is no “vs”. There is only technical “does it understand”. In coding hell - ever since.


Me too. My OT got listed on reverb after 2 days with Push 3.

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Still stoked on Push 3 over Octatrack?
Do you slice samples? How is the process on Push over Octatrack?

I sold my P3 and am back to my OT as the brain of my live set. I had a few too many crashes in rehearsal to let me be comfortable with the P3 live.
I did three gigs with it but one was not SA. The last gig in SA there was a weird glitch where all sound dropped out for a half a second. I’m sure it will get better but I don’t trust it in mission-critical situations.

One thing the p3 did well was keep arpeggios quantized to start on the beat. My Wavestate had local control off and the midi went into the P3 for all its arpeggios and then arpeggios came back out to synth, (Wavestate or Digitone), everything tight as a drum. That doesn’t happen with the OT as the hub. Hell, the digitone won’t quantize the start of its own arpeggios to the beat of the sequencer.

I am, 100%. It has actually made a lot of Elektron gear feel redundant or less purposeful. My Digitakt is gone now and my Digitone is listed for sale. I’m on the fence as to whether or not my ARMK2 will stay. My A4MK2 may be the only thing that stays.

As far as a production tool, slicing samples etc. it’s far better and easier than the OT. I can’t speak to its abilities as a tool for live performance