Push 3 buttons (not grid) and RA issues?

Unfortunately a year ago or so I was given an Antibiotic that caused my body to enact a Rheumatoid Arthritis condition. In time I was able to bounce back however my "Right Hand and most of my Right Forearm up to the elbow have never fully recovered. Therefore it can become quite a problem when using my mouse hand a lot or pushing hard on surfaces such as cutting vegetables, opening jars and navigating on my Push 2.

I have considered the Push 3 since the pad matrix is supposedly requires much less effort for proper velocity but I wonder if the various navigation pads (buttons) are light touch than the push 2. I have Ableton 12, Logic Pro X as well as a Maschine MK3 and Launchkey 37 Mk3. Both of those are lighter touch but not ideal for Ableton. BTW: I am right handed and I eat an anti-inflammatory diet.

Thanks everyone for input and advice.

I don’t have much tactile experience memory with the previous Push versions, but the new has surprisingly hard to push non-grid buttons. I believe there is a couple of mentions over in the Push 3 thread.

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I owned the Push 2 for several years before I got the Push 3 and I think the buttons are about the same. Definitely the same type of button, if anything they might be ever so slightly easier to press down but I’m thinking they are the same (I don’t have the push 2 anymore to try out).

I think if you have issues with the Push 2 the Push 3 isn’t gonna change anything.

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Did you try rampion? Devils claw?

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I have other physical issues that prohibit many things. Unfortunately. But thank you.

I’ve got a push 3. Have also been dealing with difficult to diagnose arm/ hand pain issues which are exacerbated by pressing buttons etc. The buttons on my Push 3 are super stiff and kind of hurt sometimes, I don’t think I’d recommend it for your use case. There are days I can’t use it. The rubber pad sensitivity can be set super low so they activate with a light touch, which is great, but not much use on days the buttons hurt.