Push 2 vs Launchpad Pro mk3

I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend the Novation Launch units to use with Ableton.

I use the Launch Control XL constantly when I’m working in Ableton. The LCXL and Launchpad Pro mk3 make for a fantastic working combo. I use the LCXL more than the Push 2… it seems better to me for controlling levels, mutes, solo and record arming than the Push 2.
Push 2 comes into its own more as a performance/macros tool.

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I have 3 main workstation sections… the 4 synths you see on top of the rack units go into a 10 channel line mixer, then the Elektron section on the bottom shelf feeds into a Focusrite 18i20, then the ‘Roland’ section above which goes into the MX-1.
These all come in on 3 separate channels of the Xone 96 with the 1st channel being the output of the computer/Ableton.

The beauty of the Xone 96 though is that you effectively have 4 different selectable inputs for each channel, so it’s really easy to reroute depending on what I’m doing.

I have a massive aggregate input patch to the iMac where I can route everything into Ableton individually if I need to… it’s honestly the best working set up I’ve ever had now. :sunglasses:

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Yeah LP3 has been an option as well.
The push 2 is still 400/450 EUR second hand with or without a cheap license. Bit much IMO.

How are you getting along with Push? I too am facing this difficult life decision.

Also, what’s that stand you have yours on?

It’s still in my studio and in regular use.
It’s still on my to-do list to spend some dedicated time with it to go deeper.
I’m probably using it for 15-20% of its capabilities. But I like it a lot regardless.

The stand is just a laptop stand off Amazon. I think any laptop stand will work, but it’s like this;


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I have a Launhpad Pro MK3 and a MIDI Fighter Twister and I´m thinking about changing them for a Push 2, maybe someone of you can help me (I don´t find enough information online).

I have some custom templates in the LPP to play my synths, for example, one with some pads to play directly the AR and DT. I have as well a template to shoot each sample of the OT´s sample chain (64 samples). And I have a template to control Traktor (deck selection, loop duration, transport, etc.). All this connected via MIDI into a iConnectMIDI 4+.

Since the Push 2 doesn´t work with MIDI and the user mode is quite limited, do you know if I can create templates to do the same?

I did what you want to do : I sold my Launchpad pro mk3 for a Push 2. I’m very happy with it, it’s the best controller for Ableton, there’s no question about it.

But, I’m thinking more and more about buying a Lauchpad pro again and using it with the Push 2, because they are different. For example the Launchpad is highly customizable, it’s fast and easy to do a template. You can do the same with the Push 2 but it’s requires scripts, it takes time, it’s clunky, and you always have to use Ableton with it.

Of course the Push 2 is really great with other things, you can use Ableton like a hardware synth, sampler or whatever, it’s smooth. You can do the same with the Launchpad but it’s clunky.

So my advice, if you buy a Push 2, don’t sell your Launchpad right away, take your time to really see the strengths and the weaknesses of each one.

I prefer the LaunchPad Pro 3 over the Push. The push is clearly better in terms of features. The screen is great. But I find that the Push screen’s layout is always a bit fiddly. Maybe I need to use it more to learn the layouts, but there are always multiple pages for even simple instruments and effects, to the extent that I usually find it easier to use the mouse.

I find I much prefer the LP plus trackpad/mouse. The exception is sample editing in Simpler, which is maybe worth having the Push for alone.

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Since this thread was already just bumped (only reason I’m browsing it) and I saw this again, was wondering Pete if you still use the LP, still for atom2, ever tried it with GR-16, and/or have any other nifty integrations (iOS or otherwise) worth mentioning? I feel like that all almost took off, then…didn’t.

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I miss my Push 2. I sold it first then replaced with and LPP Mk3. I dearly miss the drum sequencer. It’s so fast to program drum beats with and the LPP is definitely not the same.

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I think the worst of the Push 2 is the lack of MIDI outputs and custom modes, but the Traktor script is awesome.

I have both, use both, love both.
I use the LP in other DAW’s as well.

launchpad pro mk3 has been my main midi controller since it came out

love it. love scale modes. good polyphonic sequencer too

I do still use it with iOS but the most useful thing for me is simply being able to access all 4 banks of Koala pads at the same time. Michael (A Tasty Pixel) showed the new Loopy Pro functionality which looks like it might be the best clip launching integration on iOS yet.

My friend Danny made a Mozaic script that turns a Launchpad Mini into a step sequencer very much like the Push but it isn’t finished yet as I think he was having issues with the pad lighting (could totally be wrong - I’ll ask him)

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Didnt gel with any of the Pushes, but the LP Pro mk3 is excellent. Its simple, standalone with 2 midi outs. Pads have good response. Its small, lightweight, thin. It’s well worth the money. One of the few things in my setup I bought brand new without regrets

I use the LPP mk2 with the Native Kontrol Arsenal scripts to give it a lot of the Push functionailty with Live.

It’s great - if you’ve not used it for a while its worth having the manual around since there are so many functions that are obvs not labelled on the hardware.

By the looks of it it does work with LPP mk3 with some caveats but I don’t own one to confirm… Check this thread:

I´m going to try the Push 2 from a friend to see if it fits, I´m still not sure.

Not support for live 11

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Oh I didn’t realise that - thanks for pointing that out!


Yes it looks like python version was upped from 2 to 3 from live 10 to 11 so scripts appear to need rewriting. I use Live 10 hence me not knowing this but I’m very glad I know now.

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