Programatically manipulating elektron devices


Maybe it’s a stupid question but I wonder if it is possible to control digitakt/digitone/syntakt by writing some code? Is there an API or something for that?

Midi is quite limited, for example, I can’t control pattern reload, or control + all via midi cc values. So I wonder if I can setup kind of a macro manually somehow.



Can I program the devices via overbridge? Does it have an API or interface where I can automate or write a macro?

I would look into it and see if it suits your needs. It’s a software that controls Elektron devices. With OB + Ableton (or any DAW) it’s pretty easy to automate any parameters or create macros or whatever else you need to do without touching the actual device

There is no API available. Overbridge will run as a plugin inside a DAW, so your best chances are programming the DAW itself. I don’t know, Reaper is known for its scriptability…

I thought so. Programming via DAW sounds pretty terrible tbh. I just wish Elektron supported pattern reload and control + all functionality via MIDI…

Pattern reload is rather easy to implement - just copy your pattern and use only one copy to mess around with and switch back to the original. Or make as many copies as you like…

Yes that’s an option, but I can’t do that on multiple devices simultaneously. If there was midi support I could reload the patterns on all the elektron boxes at the same time.

Why not? Program change should work via midi as expected. Have the original pattern on 1 and the dirty version on 2.

You should at the very least be able to replicate control+all with MIDI by using a software that allows you to map one control to multiple destinations. I’m working on an app for iOS/iPadOS that would let you setup this sort of thing, but it’s not out. I think Max or Max for Live would let you accomplish this too.

I’m not sure how it works with newer Elektrons, but some older ones can accept sysex messages to control things that you would otherwise not be able to do through MIDI CC/NRPN messages. These are not always documented, see: Undocumented Sysex

Ah that’s what you mean, to change the pattern via midi. Well that could work, but I don’t really use patterns, I start with empty patterns and build the patterns by improvisation. So to be able to simulate controll+all via patterns, I’d have to save the patterns on the spot before a build-up and switch between them, which sounds daunting.

That looks interesting, thanks @2ndseq ! I’ll take a look.

I see, yes, that would be kind of tough :smiley: Though not impossible! You can save to a new pattern pretty quickly…

But yeah, Elektron has great midi support in general but it’s just lacking in some areas. Good luck on your quest! Please report back if you found a solution which is working for you.

Thanks for your help @dr_laemmerbein! Definitely, I’ll update the thread if I find some kind of a solution.

I know you specifically wrote DT/ST/DN, so apologies in advance for potentially being Off-Topic - but wanted to highlight that a project exist for Analog Rytm mkII that sounds like what you are looking for.

and implemented in

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