Preset change

Hey there!

I’m a new Analog Four user, I already had a Analog Keys (I also have an Analog Rytm) but I exchanged the AK for a A4 due to a lack of space in my studio.
I control it with an Arturia Keystep.
But I have actually 2 problems I had not with the AK :

1 How can I roll over the presets and play it on my Keystep without having to confirm it to the track?

2 How can I roll over the presets and ear it directly on the sequenced track? I mean when I make a pattern with a sound, and I want to change that sound, how can I make it directly without having to confirm the preset to the track again?

I’m pretty sure you will answer my questions, hope so! Thanks! :slight_smile:

Both topics essentially discussed a few times, but anyway …

  1. whilst in sound browser if the key step is hooked up on the auto channel it will audition those
  2. as above, but confirm (there is no preview) current selection with Fn+Yes … this keeps the browser up so you can change again

If you want to revert just save the kit before you change

Loading into the kit needs to happen on the device, but an external device can play/audition the sounds

Thanks a lot! It’s much better this way!! :grinning:

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