Predator - Make Noise Shared System

Exclusively done on the Makenoise Shared System. I got this wonderfully weird kick sound from passing the DPO final output through the Erbe-Verb… No multitrack, just recorded the main output… Rise/fall of pitch is fun to use… The result was something quite eerie…


Brilliant! See, the Erbe-Verb isn’t so bad, is it? :wink:

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Yup - I have to admit it has taken some time getting my head round it… i honestly really disliked it at first :slight_smile:

It can do some awesome nasty tricks though thats for sure, and it has definitely grown on me since :+1:

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I find it’s cool just playing it as an instrument in itself - hitting it with gates and modulating the shit out of it

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:joy::joy: must definitely try this - any example patches would be MOOOOOST welcome!

Off the top of my head, try multing out the common gate from Pressure Points to trigger an outer Maths channel and the input of the Erbe-Verb. Then patch the EOC of that Maths channel to trigger the other outer channel, and patch the EOR of that channel to the Reverse CV of the Erbe-Verb. Now play around with the Size and Decay until you get something quite cavernous - if you get the envelopes right on Maths, you can now hit the Pressure Points and create a long Reverb tail that reverses halfway through, which creates a weird sort of vortex effect.

Now think about everything else you could modulate in the same hit - maybe common Pressure out to speed up or slow down the depth at the same time as you press harder? Or use the envelope follower in the Erbe-Verb to lengthen the Decay as the reverb swells?

Just a few simple ideas!

yeh, good idea, there, pressure points press on the verb reverse and/or echo freeze is very effective and simple.
I like pressing or trigging the tilt from pressure points. I treat the shared system like an expanded easel, i.e I start from the pressure point and rene and wobble:)

The shared system is my fav instrument at the moment. looking forward to getting the FXMX to expand the dpo waveforms and the lpgs.

try the master forum links at muffs:

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nice track, thanks for sharing

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Very interesting - thanks for the tip… I still feel I’ve only scratched the surface here and as I’m fairly new to modular (less than a year). It’s been difficult understanding the concept of firing gates to modulate/trigger inputs of non standard noise generators… and expecting to hear anything… i still dont quite get it if I’m honest.

I like this idea of starting from PP and/or Rene and going from there… I am so stuck on the traditional method of starting from a noise source where 99% of the time I go from DPO to Opto and fo from there… I really need to rethink the whole triggering/modulating other sources…

Btw, I love the Echophon… :+1:

Wow. This is wonderful.

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This isn’t helping me stay away from Eurocrack :grin:

Great track.


Thank you, very kind… :thumbsup:

Is there any hp left in your Shared System? I really like the Telharmonic - I find it gives a completely different flavour to the system. The DPO is a monster, absolutely, but it’s nice for it to have something a little sweeter to work off, I have found.

BTW - that’s not a comment on your track, which doesn’t need anything else in my opinion, but just a general observation on the Shared System.

Absolutely agree with you on this. Problem is there isn’t much HP left as I have a Tempi and Brains installed. I tend to prefer sweeter sounds myself. One of the first observations of the SS was that the DPO indeed is great for industrial steel cutting, metal crushing sounds but thats kind of it. So i have developed a weird love/hate relationship with the whole system…

I absolutely love the the sound of both the Teleharmonic but more the STO… contemplating selling the Tempi for an STO (preferably in black but I dont think they make them).

Tbh this is precisely the reason I went and bought all the AJH modules, to fill that void… :zonked:

I have an STO - it’s a great oscillator for the price, and the variable wave shape is cool for audio rate modulation, but its sound is very similar to the DPO in many ways - it’s like its baby brother. They do make it in black, but only as part of the System Cartesian unfortunately (same with the Telharmonic).

MI Rings is another solid bet for sweeter sounds - the advantage over the Telharmonic being you run other sounds into it to excite it, so you can really get a nice blend of sweet and dirty. But of course it doesn’t have the chordal capabilities of the Telharmonic.

Depending on how attached to the Tempi you are, you could swap it out for a 4ms Rotating Clock Divider, which would give you a little more hp to play with, albeit with slightly stripped down functionality.

interesting… do you have a Tempi yourself? the blinking lights are driving me mad and there is no way to dim them.
I only use Tempi as a basic clock divider to redistribute timing sent from the OT or MDUW… I wont miss the additional bells and whistles it provides bec i never use them…

Prob is I am also quite OCD and like to have everything in black…

No, I didn’t get a Tempi because I had the RCD and couldn’t really justify it, although it looked cool. I would be more interested in the Tempi if I used the modular for drum modules, although if that were the case I would probably be more drawn to a Circadian Rhythms or Trigger Riot.

Have you ever tried triggering your MD with the Tempi? I have a Rebel Technology Stoicheia in the rack which I do this with - only two channels, but can get the basis of some really interesting rhythms you wouldn’t get with the onboard sequencer. In fact, if you got a trigger to MIDI converter you could get all six Tempi clocks to the MD, that could get crazy fun, crazy fast.

Not tried… Tbh I have my hands full atm and really dont have time to try some of the more off piste/esoteric connections…

Prob is I have quite a bit of gear and easy to loose focus so I try to keep things simple. I keep switching between wanting to jam (with OT midi seq the Vermona, AJH and OB) to wanting to experiment in eurocrack land…

The good thing about AJH modules is that they sit inside a Waldorf KB37 case which has USB and Midi so can be sequenced via OT…

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So cool:)

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The piston Honda is a fab dco to go in the make noise system. DPO and piston Honda patched into together via the piston wave shaping is amazing
Make noise is heavily influenced by the harvestman.
The donut is great also and the double adore 2 is fantastic - a maths crossed with an arp vca. It genius.

So little room though left in the shared system. I linked up a full harvestman system and shared system the other night