I’m about to order an Analog Four, but have a few questions first:
Is there an delay parameter for the envelopes? I use this quite a lot in synths that do have it, as can be heard here: http://robertaugust.bandcamp.com/track/lake (the synth in the intro uses the delay parameter on the filter envelope to kick the filter open a bit after a moment and then return it to it’s usual low-level). This isn’t a deal breaker, but it would be nice to have. I suppose it could also be achieved with parameter locks.
I’ve heard mixed reviews on the noise generator. I often back my synths with some soft white noise for a bit of texture, and if anyone could post a clip of the noise on its own that would be very helpful.
How is it as a sound module being played via MIDI without the sequencer running? Assuming poly mode is coming, one major use for me would be as a four-voice module for chords.
What is the biggest unfixable pain in the ass?
Thanks! Hugely appreciated as my finger hovers over the buy button.
I have plenty synths with ultra flexible envelopes, there are none here, but the modulation routing is mind-blowing (some menus are 96 destinations deep!) and there’s nothing more flexible or powerful than plocking
The noise is usable for your purpose, that’s how i use it, but it is not pretty when you colour it ! it’s more a dither, serviceable but not analogue
Plays like a dream over midi - indeed some modulations are only accessible in live play from an external source (aftertouch etc)
The biggest unfixable issue is the Elektron gear lust it will create in you !
To get the most from it - you have to put in the hours, it’s immediate, but the depth and the rewards take time - If you have CV gear you will be grinning, there’s nothing like it
I’ve had mine a month, no other piece of gear has captivated me so much in the honeynoon period and i’m still learning
[edit] clarifying my 1st point ftr - there are no dsi style ‘delayed’ envelopes, but there are plenty of flexible envelopes - you can fake a slightly constrained “delayed” envelope by reversing the ramp lfo shape, putting it in one shot mode !
I’m coming off of a month using a Tempest which had fantastic modulation routing, so I’m glad to hear I won’t be left wanting.
One more question: can parameter locks affect the signal coming in over MIDI, or are they limited to only notes triggered by the sequencer? For example, could I hit a note via MIDI with the sequencer running and have a trigless trig change the filter value of that note? Can I slide from value to value of that filter parameter smoothly in that manner?
I’ve already experienced the Elektron gear lust. I’m an Octatrack owner as of a week ago, and it’s one of the slickest, most intuitive pieces of gear I’ve ever used. It just clicks with my way of thinking. This purchase will be the result of that lust.
I do have CV gear… this could be a slippery slope to picking up even more.
nah p-locks are only for sequenced stuff…
if you play MIDI over a sequence, the incoming MIDI will simply override the sequencer.
you also cannot record p-locks from external controllers.
Are you keeping the Tempest? I’ve found it complements the A4 very well sonically - the oscillators in the Tempest are deeper and fatter than the A4 in the lower ranges (eg for subby bass sounds), but the A4 sounds great in the mids and highs. Plus you can send CV from the A4 to the T footswitch ins.
The Tempest is going back to the shop. It’s a brilliant machine (especially when sending a free-running LFO into the expression pedal input) but there was something about the sound that I just couldn’t love and the incomplete MIDI spec was causing too many headaches with my studio. That, and I had a rather interesting hardware issue: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBoDutTpV28
I’ve got a Moog for all of my ridiculous low end needs, and it seems it will complement the Analog Four beautifully.