Possible update coming to syntakt

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The Euclidean sequencer seems like a fairly obvious import

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New sequencer features would be great, Euclid stuff for sure. Not sure if Syntakt is capable of the blue LEDs in the REC button and Trig buttons though.

Chorus would be amazing, I love my Syntakt but sometimes it can sound a little narrow across the stereo image with tracks that aren’t right for reverb or delay like a bassline but that need a bit of stereo movement to come alive. Syntakt is crying out for a third stereo send effect.

I also love the new Mute feature where you line up mutes while holding FUNC and all mutes are enabled/disabled simultaneously when you release FUNC. That would be brilliant for transitions on the ST.

16 levels for velocity would be good too, the four levels of velocity in the Modifier section are a little too coarse I think.

Speaking of the Modifiers (and slightly OT)… please Elektron can you change these so the retrig start is quantised to the beat. They’re kind of useless at the moment unless you have ninja reflexes and timing.