Possible MIDI driver for Virus TI on Big Sur

The author of this driver (purely USB MIDI, no audio) recently posted this on the Access page.

I’ve downloaded it, built it using Xcode and will see if it actually works over the weekend. Note - needs the generated .plugin copying to the Library.

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Yeah - it actually works OK! Have to very much force a re-build though.

Good news ! Do you mind explaining in layman’s terms what I need to do get this working on Big Sur pls ?

You might need some very basic understanding of Xcode. The Link above gives you a link to the source code, which you can download with the “Code” button/icon, with the down arrow.

Then, if you have Xcode installed, you can browse into the folder you’ve downloaded and double click the SimpleVirusUSBMidi.xcodeproj file.

Find the “build” option on Xcode menu and Xcode should re-build the plugin.

That produces a .plugin file, which then has to be copied to “/Library/Audio/Midi Drivers”.

On my system, that file appears as: “Users/chris/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SimpleVirusUSBMidi-drskssoehbphmtegqcahrqezkdkv/Build/Products/Debug/SimpleVirusUSBMidi.plugin” when it’s built. You can find that through Xcode, but that example path might be of more use to you.

First time I did it, the .plugin file was empty for some reason, so I deleted it and re-built.

I think, but not sure, that you’ll have to go through this rather than someone giving you the .plugin file as it might be tied to your system as a development plugin file.

If anyone can give an improved method, please do. I don’t know Xcode all that well.