Polyphony/sequencer implementation

maybe this is user error, but I find myself confused by how the polyphony works. Maybe there is a setting (settings) that I haven’t found yet.

the problem is that the sequencer doesn’t really seem to record sequences as played. while you THINK you’re on track one, for instance, each voice goes to another track. Those tracks may have other settings. So, after recording you have a totally different sequence.

I’m concluding that (tell me if I’m wrong) - the sequencer itself only records one voice per track.

So, if you want to get what you expect you have to have all 4 (if you use 4 note polyphony) track settings the same.

Am I missing something? Can I set track one, say, to 4 voices?

edit - the manual says that you can set it up so that a track plays 4 voices. So, that’s what I’m trying to figure out now - how do I set this up so that if I’m on track one, and I record a sequence. all of the notes to go track 1?

edit 2 - noticed that it was recording onto track 1 and 2 - whether 2 notes, 3, or 4. I couldn’t figure it out…looked at manual. eventually I gave up and did an empty reset, and now it’s working as expected. So I suppose the operative question for me is how, if you’re using polyphony, to make sure that the voices are all recording to the track you’re on. obviously I had something set incorrectly, but I still don’t know what it is.

fn+kit … poly config …there u can select the voices … check 1-4 … now u should have poly mode enabled …

on allocation use RESET … if you use the other settings things easily get out of hand (for me)

there is also a use trk sounds setting …

another VERY usefull thread had been written (for me)in this forum … there it is … Explain A4 Poly Settings?

i still dont get the whole thing… so if you can add anything usefull here PLEASE do so! i would appreciate it VERY much!

that’s the thing. all voices were checked. I tried all of the different voice allocation modes. I simply could not get the following to stop happening: from track one, recording a polyphonic passage - but the notes would be split between tracks 1 and 2.

So, I’ve concluded that there must be another setting somewhere, or somehow the instrument was ‘confused’.

I do not have my AK yet but from what I understand to do what you (and I as well, ultimately) with poly, is it has something specifically related to the “MULTI-MAP” modes and set-ups. But again, I find the AK pdf reference manual a bit confusing to fully understand these things…especially the multi-map as well as using the midi controller mode while still being able to run the AK sequencer/sound engine, albeit with no midi sequencing, only cv.
Really hoping that we can poly chain an A4 to the AK and fully have 8 voice poly as it’s just midi.