Polyend Tracker

Just preordered the Polyend Tracker. I couldnt help myself. The demos look really great from what they offer. I wished they’d go into more detail about how the midi is handled. I’ve got a few other questions about the live performance mode and how much of it you have to have pre programmed.

All in all I’m pretty excited about this one. I’ve been convinced to dive into Renoise as well by a very well and reliable source. I think the PT would be a great mobile solution and do all of the other stuff on renoise. I’m wondering if projects from the poly end tracker is compatible with renoise so you can transfer what you’ve started over to renoise to expand upon.


pt supports .mod files so if it also has the option to export as such you’re set. renoise loads .mod files


Omg! Freaking stoked! Thank you for that info.

Really hoping they add the ability to record MIDI CC data (per step) in real-time, kinda like the Digitakt. Seems like an oversight to have CCs out but not in. Love tracker programming but sometimes it’s easier to record parameters this way and then refine them later. I believe Renoise supports this, for example.

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So one of these is back on the cards… I sold my model:cycles today, just wasn’t for me. Was fun for about a week but just found myself getting to the same sonic territory. Luckily because of their scarcity where I live I sold it and only lost about $12.50 USD :grin:
Still don’t think I’ll preorder this, might just wait till they are out and what elektronaughts users think…

Somewhere a Polyend employee has stated that the .mod file support is quite basic. So don’t expect “wonders” like transfering your project back and forth between the Polyend Tracker and Renoise seamlessly.


R u for real?? The pads themselves all each have X Y Z assignable sensors??

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My Digitakt just sold on Reverb. Time to take a leap into the (relative) unknown.

For those who’ve preordered from the US, did you do so directly from Polyend, or from a US dealer like Sweetwater or Perfect Circuit? Weighing the various options. How much customs/import duty will I have to pay if I order from Polyend (which means importing from Poland to US)? The Tracker hardcase preorder bonus is nice, but not if I’m looking at a hefty import fee added on top. It’s just hard to find solid info on that front.

Some thoughts, by the way!

I think the Digitakt is fantastic, for what it’s worth - no one involved in Elektron should be worried about hordes of users jumping ship. I just didn’t use it as often as I expected to, and have been acutely craving:

  • long-form compositional and generative tools directly in my hardware workflow (emphasis on long-form - I have enough ways to jam out in the moment, but it’s increasingly not enough)
  • something that can get me out of my usual modes of working and shake things up
  • the sort of drum sampling and sequencing workflow that can enable the best drum programming I’ve ever heard (Aphex Twin, u-Ziq, Max Tundra, Squarepusher - I realize not all of them used trackers, but trackers are well-suited to that kind of intricacy). I’m a trained and experienced drummer who has never felt creatively inspired by the drum programming tools I’ve used. A mix of live-performed MPE MIDI drumming (using Sensel Morph and drumsticks) and Polyend Tracker sequencing is going to be a hell of a combination to change that around, hopefully.

The argument that Renoise can do everything this can and better is true, and compelling, and yet not entirely persuasive for me - there’s something magical about gear as self-contained instrument you learn, develop muscle memory on, get creatively inspired by, etc. etc. and software has never risen to the level of “instrument” for me in that regard (and I’ve spent hundreds or thousands of hours with music software, so it’s not for lack of trying). Bitwig and the newly released Fantastic Voyage recording software (highly recommended and cheap - check it out) are both my speed, but my main compositional and sound design efforts are best focused on hardware, irrational and expensive as it may be.


I ordered from them directly within the first 10 minutes of it going live. I am in the US. The total I paid at checkout was $630. I am now hoping their post about being ahead of schedule for the end of May is true.


Right, so this is the total at checkout (for me it would be $650 as they increased the shipping cost a bit). If I’m understanding correctly, an import or custom fee would be owed (to the deliveryman, at the FedEx pickup location, or wherever) before you can take possession. But I’ve never had to pay one, even when ordering from Teenage Engineering in Sweden, so I’m not sure how it works, if it’s consistently applied, or how much it could be. I got scared by trying out a “duty tax calculator” online and seeing the eye-popping fee of $315 on top of the purchase cost, which certainly can’t be right…

I don’t think so but I cannot say 100% for sure. I have mine going to my work so I will see what happens.

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Ha, upon googling just now to confirm that his main method of working was Amiga tracker, I happened upon a Stereogum article which mentions a workflow change:

“Here are two hitherto unreleased tracks I composed a few years ago, soon after I got my hands on the life-changing music software known as Renoise, a modern-day tracker sequencer,” he wrote in a statement on his Bandcamp page. “Which led me to flog my beloved Amiga 500 on eBay for the princely sum of about £20, grab a ThinkPad T520 and finally become one of those laptop musicians I used to point and laugh at.” He continues:

“These tunes are my finding out what makes Renoise tick and learning how much fun it is to make subtly shapeshifting plugin-driven music the likes of which my old Commodore would have Guru Meditationed at. I remember wanting to push myself out of my comfort zone with these two tracks, trying to make the sort of EP that might come out on a label like Hyperdub – or my parallel universe version of that anyway. The songs are more repetitive and moody than my habitual chirpy, melodic output, and I hope you find them diverting at least.”

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All, not each, yes. Assignment is in the menu.

I wonder how many people are still around (here?) who knows the meaning of this phrase … :smiley:


I thought he was just using some funny phrasing… please share!

That’s not just a funny phrase. “Guru Meditation” was the official term when the Amiga crashed (like a blue screen on Windows or one of that exception pages on an Elektron device).

I’ve found it always quite fitting.



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I love it

30 AM


When i got my replacement M:S directly from Elektron, I did not have to pay any additional customs fees, even though it was sent from their headquarters in Sweden. Not sure about each countries rules though. Good luck.

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The website now says : shipping in june 2020…