Polyend Tracker

Keyboard shortcuts make programming way faster than clicking in with a mouse, the ‘step’ parameter helps in this regard too, then there’s key commands which mean you can non-destructively pitch, reverse, pseudo time stretch, retrig, add fx etc. a specific sound in your sequence accurately and with a couple of keyboard presses.

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It’s more about how you enter the event data into the sequencer. Trackers are fundamentally different from linear sequencers. Think of each track as a constant loop going from top to bottom. You enter events like note on, note off etc on the lines running down the page. So the last line is one line before the first line (think of the cursor rolling over from the last line at the bottom back to the first line at the top.) personally I think trackers are brilliant for giving a visual representation of the timing of events relative to the other tracks.

I’ve not used the polyend, my experience is with Renoise, a computer based tracker. If you wanted to slice a sample you’d save each slice as a file and then just put the corresponding trigs on the lines you want them to fire on. So at say 16 lines per beat an event on each line in a block of 16 is gonna give you a machine gun stutter. Conversely a trig every 16 lines will give you a 4 beat pattern. One down side is you can’t ‘nudge’ a trigger up or down. If you need to do that the workaround is to add some dead space at the beginning of the sample, move your trig up a line and trim the sample start point until it’s triggering where you want it.


However my generation, but I missed the tremor.
For me, the vertical scroll key is brand new …
I have been interested in the tracker tool for a few days …
I think the video fits perfectly; to complete the subject and open a few windows.

Best regards


Is there a ship date for the Tracker? with all that’s going on…I would think there will be delays?

I wanna hear what folks here do with it. all you with pre-orders. I’m looking forward to you guys getting them. reporting on what you think.


Yeah that would be cool. I’d love an iPad version of Renoise but then you’d need vst’s on it too.

Agree! This forum for me always has been an oasis of nice and helpful folks, that leave proper bitching at the door. Let’s keep it that way! :kissing_heart:



There was an email today, let me find it…

We hope you’re all being well and able to self-isolate in your studios making music, just like us! \ 16x16

We’ve received many questions about the state of the Polyend Tracker production, and if the shipping date (June 2020) is realistic in the current COVID-19 situation.

Luckily enough, we’ve started the manufacturing process way before the outbreak and according to our plans, we might even be ready with the first order fulfilment at the end of May.

All the team members are working remotely, but remain mobilized and advance with the project. In terms of shipping - we are working with UPS. So far, apart from some extra security measures, the packages leave and arrive as usual.

Here you can read more about how UPS is responding to the Coronavirus: https://www.ups.com/us/en/about/news/important-updates.page

We continuously monitor the situation and will inform you in case there were unexpected changes.




Beat me to it :sweat_smile: And you did so with panache!

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@rotallytuined and @Kpucski

I bet you guys are stoked! :+1:t6:

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Good to know! I believe they said the same a couple of weeks ago on Instagram so nice to see the date reconfirmed.

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I must admit I’m a little bit giddy yes. I pretty much sold all my gear last year and just have a modelsamples now.
I’ve been abusing it, the lfo-sample start function using sample chains isn’t quite spot on. I may be wrong but it’s not perfect. I then started making chains to try and replicate live modular performances (stay with me), with the chance and retrig options I found I could have a broken serge modular vomiting all kinds of nonsense but in a quasi random way.
Not left the boat since.
But then the new update adding decimal to the lfo means that boat will sail when I update.
I’ll record the fecker and then use the mess as a bank of sounds to feed into the PT, with creative decisions on stereo channeling.


Ah, not on any of them thar feeds, but yeah it’s looking good!
You on the list?

Absolutely! Ordered 10 minutes before it was live due to the site going live earlier than the midnight release. Can’t wait.

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Get in!!!

Interview with Bogdan about polyend tracker !

Why stop there. I say we should start a petition to send one to all of us! Who’s in?

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It’s a 2yr old interview and doesn’t mention tracker , but still a quick / interesting read.
I’ll have a look at dapulse, might be useful for work.

The mpe device might’ve been medusa eventually.

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Oh ooops it’s just a polyend review he did get polyend tracker tho and he has used trackers for 30 years so I’m hoping he gives us a good rundown Soon

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