Polyend Tracker


That swing on the hi hat is whack! Haha
His videos are great and he seems really cool, but I think he got confused and offset the wrong step there


Yeah he overthought that one a little. Still for whatever reason I enjoyed that vid, good tracker showcase.

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Yeah, it was still entertaining. You donā€™t see many videos of people making chill groovy house on the Polyend Tracker

Yep and the thing is - it can be done quite well. I think people think of trackers as DnB or Chiptune makers but really they are a backend for any DAW and can do about any electronic genre. I got nice swing from my Tracker and also can easily do it in the M8 as well. Plus another easy cheat is to just sample swung hi hats from your drum machine and then move your claps and snares a little.


Yeah, for sure. I mostly use Renoise when Iā€™m on the computer ā€“ sometimes Iā€™ll use other DAWs for multitrack recording of external instruments, but my main ā€œDAWā€ is usually Renoise and I started using trackers with Fasttracker 2 back in the 90s. I think trackers are great for any almost genre! Although maybe I fall into the dnb trope :smiley: Iā€™ve had no issues adding swing to tracks ā€“ itā€™s not that trackers arenā€™t capable of swing, itā€™s just that in the video above the wrong steps were delayed. I think Enrique/Ricky is accustomed to the swing percentage on drum machines where you just say ā€œgive me 56% swing overallā€ and on a tracker you need to delay steps manually.

Hi. I apologize beforehand if this is not the right venue to ask, I only do so since it seems to be the most active Tracker-related forum. My problem is the following:
-I have the Galbanum Architecture 2010 single cycle collection, these come in multiple formats for the same samples
-If I load the ā€œwavetable formatā€ (non-interpolated IEEE float Mono 32-bits 44.1 kHz) .wav files on the tracker, samples load and play well (using wavetable play mode in Tracker, sample ends at same level as it begins, at baseline)
-Problem is, if I load the single-cycle versions of the same samples, e.g. (PCM Mono 24-bits 44.1 kHz), they play ā€œincompleteā€, so the sample doesnā€™t end at the same level as it begins, example image below (since Iā€™m a new user I was just allowed to upload one image)
-If I load the single cycle version file elsewhere, it looks just fine.
Does anyone have some ideas about what the problem is? Polyend support hasnā€™t solved it yet.

Welcome @esters-pylorus ā€¦ :wave:

Very peculiar indeed.
Looks like Trackers sample import got confused.

Could it be that the files are actually 48kHz and it imported only 91.87 % (44100/48) of the samples, assuming 44.1k? Perhaps some kind of inconsistency with the WAVs file headersā€¦ Just a thought since it looks like roughly 1/10 of the sample is missing.


It would have been my first thought to double check this aspect

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Thank you trackerjack and wriggyb, thatā€™s a great thought, Iā€™ll look into this possibility.

Is it possible to hot swap the SD card? Because Iā€™ve read somewhere that you canā€™t disable the auto save feature. And there is no transfer app to put stuff on the card over USB. How do you get sounds on there without powering off the unit?

If you stop playback and remove the SD card the screen says ā€œPlease insert an SD card to continueā€, you can move that to your computer and back, and then change displays to resume operation. But, this seems like itā€™s easy to mess up: taking the SD card out while the Tracker is playing will freeze it hard, so that only pulling the power can fix it. The safe thing to do is probably to power it off every time.

It power cycles pretty quickly, and it remembers where it left off, so unless you have one of the Trackers thatā€™s very noisy when power cycling it should be fine to do this, right?

How can it remember where it left off if the SD card is unplugged?

So can you do this?
1/ stop sequencer
2/ pull out sd card
3/ sd card into pc and put samples in new folders
4/ sd card back into the Tracker
5/ continue, browse and load the new folders that include the new samples

Will it crash when you do this? Your message suggests that it will work, but that it is a recipe for crashing and weirdness.
I dont have a Tracker to test

How can it remember where it left off if the SD card is unplugged?

Are you replying to my ā€œIt power cycles pretty quickly, and it remembers where it left offā€? In this case youā€™d be turning it off with the SD card still in it.

I followed your steps with no crash. I think itā€™s a recipe for weirdness in that if you get into the habit of pulling the SD card while the Trackerā€™s on, youā€™ll probably pull it while the sequencerā€™s playing, and there it does crash. There might be other times like auto-saving that are hard to see happening, where I can imagine it crashing.

Iā€™d worry about losing data doing this, which isnā€™t worth it to me when power cycling is so fast: the Tracker takes 3s to shut down and 7s to start up (though probably depending on how many samples the last project has). Most of your time either way is going to be spent on fussing with the SD cad.

Itā€™s not a good idea to power off and on a device all day long.

Hopefully a transfer program is in the making

How many times a day do you plan on taking the SD card out? :wink:

Edit: donā€™t hold thy breath. Play has the same system. Donā€™t think an app is in the making

Iā€™m not sure yet (-: Depends on how many files I need to edit-process. But I assume a lot

And those edit/Process can not be done on the Tracker itself? (I mean you can resample stuff, cut, break, etc. but I donā€™t know what you expect yourself to do).

There was some firmware allowing to have access to the SD Card content through USB but removed as the external library they were depending on was not working correctly/problematic for Polyend. At the same time, the Tracker is powered by USB so either you plan to have it plug to a computer all the time or you will have to power cycle it anyway to change the USB source between power and computer :man_shrugging:

Yeah they used a third party app for Android phones or something that was crashing constantly.

I donā€™t understand that last paragraph.

There are ways to do the things that I would use the computer for with the selection render in combi with the audio editor for sure.
I guess I will just have to try the hot swap when I have the unit (:

How many times do you think youd be updating samples?

One at a time!?

Get a bunch of stuff together then load it.
I donā€™t understand the concern over how it currently werks. :thinking:

I loaded my sample foldersā€¦and that was kinda that. Iā€™ll pull when a firm update happens or if I gather a bunch of samples Iā€™d like to chuck on it. But, youā€™ll prob find, once you get your initial set of samples on there, youā€™re not gonna be in and out THAT often.

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