Politically assaulted

“sorry sir. i’m an exconvict and i’m not allowed to vote. i wish i could vote for your candidate though”


Probably leave America.
Where I live (Northern Ireland). It is illegal to discriminate on political belief. More countries should be like that.


Sometimes I also like to listen and just let them keep going, strategically planting a „Haha!“ or „M’yeah“ or even a „What do you mean?“.
Kinda funny, in some cases you can almost feel them deflate and run out of steam.


The best thing you can do to defend yourself against pervasive ideas is to keep an open mind

Start a genuine conversation with these people, remain compassionate, try to understand them by asking questions.

People are only willing to change when they know you are willing too


I’m a Libertarian, I think the left and right are both nuts (I just want everyone out of my biz, don’t like people or the gov hacking away at my freedoms). But that’s just my own option. I don’t usually share it due to the fact I’m not a narcissist. Old saying opinions are like a_s holes, everybody gots one.


you guys are awesome its turning out to be a great friday! <3

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Yeah listen to daryl davis on joe rogan. The man is black and he went out of his way to make friends with KKK members just to understand why they thought that way. Ended up indirectly converting a couple hundred people away from the cult after some odd years of doing it. Real American hero.


So your Goverment can prosecute you for disagreeing with a particular political belief? Not a debate I’m really curious. Sounds dangerous lol, then again I’m old fashion and don’t trust Goverment or anyone with that much power.

Old Fart :slight_smile:


The worst people in the US (all over the world) are emboldened, though the financiers for this worldwide are mostly US-based. I live in an area with a large percentage of immigrants and national Neonazis pamphleteted the area with lists of supposed “known illegals” and have been graffiti-ing anti-immigrant sentiment around and on property.


Hell yeah, this dude had a documentary called “Accidental Courtesy”, has some really good lessons

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I live in Northern Michigan and there are a lot of trumpers here. I am most definitely not one. I worked at a liquor store and often people would start spouting shit. The best way to handle it in my opinion is to cut them off and say “I didn’t ask about your views on politics, I have work to do” and either walk away or beckon the next customer in line. Usually they just left upset.
On the other hand I’ve had good conversations with some trumpers who genuinely wanted to have a peaceful, respectful debate. Those people I ended up becoming really friendly with and actually learned about their perspective.
It’s all about attitude. You come at me with shit, I give shit back. I also didn’t give a shit about being fired though…


”I’m very sorry sir, but it is company policy that we do not discuss politics or religion with customers.” This is true for most public facing roles. If they continue; “I truly am sorry sir, but everything is video recorded and I don’t want to lose my job. Thank you for understanding. “


seriously… i think i’d just get a button made or find one etsy that says “NO POLITICS… NO RELIGION”


Whenever random religion or political canvassers knock on my door, I answer the door naked. It usually does the trick, they go running. I guess you might have issues if you do that in a gas station though.

Just make sure the cctv cameras are off if you try it.

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Literally the opposite. You are allowed to have a political belief and if you are harassed , abused or ridiculed for a political belief it is illegal. We also do have hate speech laws as well. So it doesn’t give you free reign. In a country like NI. It is very important to have those rules to try and ensure equality with the tension that has been there for centuries.


With America being such a cool place and full of cool people making some of my favourite music, film, TV, fashion, art, food etc it’s also a huge backwater full of scary people with some frightening views, beliefs and opinions. Sad to see it in its current state :frowning:


It probably always was. The more people the more knob ends. I notice this a lot living in a country with a pop of 1.5.mil. Every time I go to a high pop country. Very different attitude. Not treated like a human. High pop , high number of knob ends and people that treat you like a floor board.

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It’s always had it’s issues for sure but it currently has a leader boasting and shouting these issues as some kind of thing to be proud of. It’s like decades of progress being thrown in the bin to cheers from a salivating crowd thinking they are entering some free new world


His blatant racist rant about the Oscars with a big smug smile to the cheers of hoards of orcs being the latest example


Not of fan of the reddit type posts on this site. You guys are just asking for bots and paid posters to flood here with simple political opinions.