Plumbrothers: Ciat-Lonbarde Thread

Thought I would start a thread dedicated to discussion of CL synths.

For the Banana Bois/Gurls.


Plumbrothers and plumsisters united. :fist_right::fist_left:


Greetings, Plumbrethren.

I have a Cocoquantus and a Plumbutter. I bought them second-hand from someone who got them from Peter while he was still living in the U.S., supposedly they’re among the last (or possibly the very last?) units he put together while he was still living out here.

Someday I will add a Sidrax. Someday…

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I too have a Cocoquantus and acquired a Plumbutter 2 today. Still no idea what I’m doing with it, but pleasantly surprised that my first patches felt musical. It’s a real change of pace from the rigid sequencers I’m used to. Nice to have an environment where you have no choice but to experiment. Freedom by force. Plum town.


I believe you’re doing it wrong then.


First time I’ve seen Peter talking.
That’s quite a character.


There is an entertaining chat he had with Hainbach on Single Malt Synthesis.

Wonderfully off the wall.

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This guy must have been a Radio Shack salesman in a past life. I have a friend that has the Cocoquantus who claims it can possibly open dimensional portals if you get deep enough into it. Reminds me of the old 2000’s circuit bent stuff. Noisy, Random and unwieldy. Cool stuff for sure. But, I’m not really into portals. Wish Radio Shack was still around tho.


My finger is hovering over a PB2 purchase.
I was deliberating whether to go for that or the Coco, but my effects set up is largely CB Habit, MOOD II and Gen Loss II, going into the COSMOS, so my feeling is that this takes care of some of the wonky delay / sample work.

I mostly play my OP1F into this setup and thought the PB2 would offer a bit more in terms of creative avenues.

I sense that a Coco would also be on the horizon sometime, but in the words of Mr. Clumsy; “first things first”

Edit: Plummie on the way, I didn’t hover for long.


First little snippet of a recording after a week of tangling with the plummie.

Just a simple patch (I think) with the OP-1 going through the Gongues input, then everything sent via CB MOOD II. Was kind of hypnotised for quite a while with this one, seeing what happened with minor adjustments to anything.


The Coco has landed.
I’m delighted with both of these machines, which I’ve been finding surprisingly intuitive (what with the colours and all) for someone with minimal experience in the world of patching.

It feels so wholesome to interact with them and surrender to their quirks.

edit: some more :slight_smile: