Please change this entire forum to Behringernauts

I really agree with you in regards to MIDI capabilities, but I can’t say that I’ve ever turned on my Odyssey and thought “I wish I could control every parameter via MIDI.” I think a lot of the joy for these old-school synths is turning knobs with your hands, losing yourself in the creation and art, and not worrying so much about finding that exact sound again. Also, are you going to have even a fraction of the sonic possibility with one A4 versus a Model D, MS-1, Pro-1, and Odyssey combined? To your point though, if you are someone who works in a studio, with live sound, etc, having instant patch recall or bringing up a project in a DAW where all external gear is set to automatically be in the correct configuration, correct patches, etc, then yeah these B synths are far from ideal. I completely agree that I think they would be well-served by creating their own instruments from scratch. I really do believe that these clones are a training ground for their engineers, and it can’t hurt having the cash flowing in from the sales of these instruments. All this being said, if someone invests in a good MIDI-to-CV convertor with plenty of gates and CV outputs they can bring these old-school B synths under much greater control.


It would be nice to discuss new Elektron stuff if they released something new, but that hasn’t happened in a while… And preferably something else than more budget stuff (Model: etc).

Behringer is releasing things that people want. Other manufacturers should do that too.

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Yes, definitely a lot to be said for that, I have plenty of gear without midi or CC control too, but that said I think perhaps we are comparatively in the minority when thinking about the synth community at large, generally speaking of course.

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Let’s have a test!
→ What makes you more excited: the announcement of a new old synth from Behringer, or a brand new Elektron machine?

I have my GAS (relatively) under control now, and I think I’ll manage to not get me a Model D. But if I were to learn that a new Elektron was on its way, I’d check my bank account in the minute :smile:

Thus: not yet Berhringonaut, no, dear.

Btw, the hardest part would be to clone this brilliant community, good luck with that Uli :tongue:


A completely new premium Elektron big device along the lines of old classics (pre-Digitakt) would surely be more exciting, but as far as the recent mk2 versions and Model:Samples go, Behringer synths are certainly more interesting to me.

Not sure about that- what semimodular desktop synths with integrated sequencer are you thinking of?

I think it depends on your definition of sonic possibility, really. The A4 is waaaay more capable than all of those synths IMO, but it will always have its own sound and whereas with all of those you’d probably have a broader tonal palette to work with. I’d rather have an A4, but then I do have other synths too.

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I actually come here for all the new product updates, and help. To tell you the truth.

The Elektronauts site is probably the best electronic music forum on the internet. In my opinion.


A4 way more capable than Model D, Pro-One, SH-101 and Odyssey combined? Sorry, nope.

I wish there were more local meetups in the 206 :slight_smile:

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well played sir. Now we have another bloody Behringer thread :slight_smile:


Buggernauts thank you

we could change the name when we’ll get the new Beringer - RytmOctaTone 16 track all in one machine for only 699€ :thought_balloon:

Just imagined now how the „my setup“ thread of a Behringernaut would look like :smile:

…joke aside, I fully agree with @djadonis206, most competent/informative/friendly music & gear loving forum I know so far. Will be hard to copy.


Agree 100%

But I’m an American (in a Southwest rural area in the Desert too), we don’t have or say buggers only lots of Burgers…Buurrrggerrrnauuts :stuck_out_tongue:



How is that Nuetron treating you…

I was thinking about it…for XMAS…Analog 4 MK2 or a whole bunch of Behringer synths…

Well…I must put Audiobus Forum as another leader for my forums…being that these are the only 2 I use…but this place is pretty rocking.

Yeah, its like behri brings all these monos etc out but no word are they going to all just sound like a variation of a theme instead of the diff synths?

(Still want an RD-9 tho)


Yep. Those are all pretty simple synths.

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I agree, and I also agree with your earlier point about the tonality (to a variable degree, depending on which target synth) which I think is the only other tangible reason aside from the direct and simple wysiwyg UI of the clones.

For example a good programmer can easily make Roland-ish or Moog-ish sounds on the A4, the MS-20 or Odyssey might prove a bit more challenging due to their wilder filter and so on, but perhaps a passable emulation of most of their sounds can be done, like a MS-20 sound isn’t always going to be using the filter in a characteristic way, and so on.

Now if we try to create some of the sounds the A4 can make on any of the aforementioned synths, it gets much trickier and in many cases impossible, because they simply don’t have many of the functions.

  • 2 × analog oscillators
  • Variable waveshape on all waveforms
  • Oscillator AM and Sync modes
  • 2 × sub-oscillators
  • 1 × noise generator
  • 1 × 4-pole analog lowpass ladder filter
  • 1 × 2-pole analog multi-mode filter
  • 1 × analog overdrive circuit
  • Filter feedback
  • 2 × assignable LFOs
  • 1 × dedicated vibrato LFO
  • 2 × dedicated waveshape LFOs
  • 1 × amp envelope
  • 2 × assignable envelopes
  • 2 × dedicated LFO fade envelopes
  • 1 × dedicated noise fade envelope
  • 1 × dedicated vibrato envelope
  • 1 × dedicated autobend envelope
  • 3 × individual effect sends

Not forgetting that all x4, and polyphony, digital reverb and delay, and of course a really great sequencer allowing intricate control of every step, and if you want, a completely different sound on every step.