Playing in a band

Huh! Playing with friends! I hadn’t thought of that! I suppose I AM missing a great deal of collaboration in my life!


Man, now that you mention the notion of jamming with friends, I’m really missing my AR :smiley:


There used to be these things called bands, back in the day. They were really cool. You could watch people touch things and sound would happen, multiple people became one thing. I hear they might be coming back in style :wink:


But it’s not simple when the band is borned at some point because of ego, amount of work not balanced well, investment… (I have bad experience… there’s pro and cons like everything, and depend human nature of people of course)

But it’s cool yes… when jamming for fun


I’m just joking around, but your right, it’s a tough thing to keep a band together…


That’s why midi was invented I suppose!
No drugged up drummer blind on a secret stash of heroine and no pissed up singer locked in the toilet because the first one didn’t work so she took four more and now they’ve all started ignition sequence at once!
Oh the 80’s…


Press play!

Oh it turned BADLY before that stage… what you describe is already the END hahaha

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“Hey Jon, I want you to meet your replacement! It’s a drum machine and a midi cable hiding behind a cardboard cutout of Ringo Star”

Edit: If I WERE to someday perform, I’d hide all my instruments behind cardboard cutouts of their respective people, and I’d pretend to conduct them with a few controllers at my stand :smiley:


We are getting into Kraftwerk territory now!


Don’t mean to derail the thread but gotta mention that about 6 to 8 hours after making a wise crack about bands, and William expressing how they can be difficult, my friend shows up saying there’s a good band back in town that needs a lead guitar player, and he’s told them about me and bringing me to check them out tonight…
Not sure how to feel about this, but staying Open…


guitarist meself.
Got into maing music singularly because of all the mindfucks i had in bands.
Tread careful pilgrim!!! :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ve joined others bands, and I’ve started my own bands. Joining others bands was fun, but you can’t try to reason with the songwriter over the philosophy of what a song should be without being seen as an asshole or trying to make some “power play”, but if you don’t then you end up backing up songs that are separate from the sonic reason you joined the band in the first place.

And with starting my band there’s such a head rush in trying to organize everything, and a leadership role that I don’t feel comfortable with. I’m so fortunate to prefer electronic sounds, because each piece of gear is like another band member. And in Elektron’s case, each voice is a band member; each unit is a band. And when I jam on all of my pieces: SuperGroup :smiley:


yea ive been in 2 bands. left 1 and got kicked out of the other, cause they were sh1te :slight_smile:


The only problem in bands I have experienced is … if there is to much ego and wanting to be the super hero.

Such attitude never achieves a mental fusion of musicians. It takes that everybody respects everybody and tries to see the whole picture more, rather then to be the boss, the star, the diva, you name it. Most people just are not mature enough :wink:


I’ve loved working with bands, but I’ve found leading a band being extremely difficult.

Especially putting an end to one, because the guitarist had no capacity to improve what he was doing, especially when it came to recording (couldn’t keep time).

I loved playing in bands theres something about the noise and raucousness of it all and the improvisational aspect was always a drive…
Just being on the edge of calamity and with that amp thundering away on the edge of feedback at any moment.
But unfortunately it means relying on other people and creative and sometimes egotistical ones at that - everyone has a vision and its rare that it is shared by 3 or four other people.
I got tired of band memebers either not turning up to rehearsals, or turrning up out of their faces and using a rehearsal as an extension of their bender, or being there but obviously not having worked on the songs.
I dont need that headache.
I dont play live with my boxes now because frankly im not good enough but at least you only have yourself and your equipment to worry about.
On the other hand im sure lots of people have had success in a band situation.
Anyhow im totally off topic…
But i do want to obtain the X. Because i cannot control my GAS!!!

I took the liberty to create a new topic, instead of replying and sharing my own experience :smile:

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I’m lucky with the electronic stuff though, to work with someone who’s quite happy to have me as an add-on muso. He produces his own stuff and I add guitars, synths and percussion on-top at gigs.

Also, we do more full-on dance gigs, where everything is on my kit and he adds his bit on-top.

Works well for us.

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Some folks trust to reason
Others trust to might
I don’t trust to nothing
But I know it come out right…