Play/stop Pedal

Hi Folks,

New owner of Model:Samples, first-time Elektron user. This box is a blast. But Im guitarrist. Is possible to Play/stop It using a midi pedal?. Inot found nothing in the Midi manual.

Thank You so much

all the best!!

Welcome to the forum!

Yes. If enabled, the M:S will respond to MIDI System Real Time messages: START, STOP, and CONTINUE.


Thanks for your answer, but sorry, Im so clumsy.

My idea is use a dmc.micro (Disaster Area) or a Midi Solution footswitch controler… without computer.
Is necessary have a external midi clock?
Can I use this pedals direct to the Model:Sample to play/stop it?

thank you so so much!!!

best regards

It may or may not be necessary. Hopefully a Model:Samples owner can answer this question. You need to know the answer before choosing a device to use.

The Disaster Area website does not provide specific information: you should contact them by email to ask.

The MIDI Solutions Footswitch Controller can send Start and Stop messages and MIDI Clock messages in response to an external footswitch, but cannot do both simultaneously, so it may or may not be suitable for you.

I own a Disaster Area MIDIBaby and use it for this exact purpose! I have it set to toggle start/stop transport on long press. I also have it acting as a tap tempo, sending MIDI clock but that’s not necessary for start/stop to work. Also, before I bought it, I e-mailed them a few questions about the clock/tap tempo and they got right back to me, so definitely email with any other questions you might have. You can also check out other functions the MIDIBaby is capable on the online editor:

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Thank you very very much is so helpfull.

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Hi, @belo, how have you got your Model:Samples set up to receive start stop and not midi clock? I can’t make my work with just start stop it also wants Midi Clock.

Oops I wasn’t super clear on this. I meant that the MIDIBaby is capable of sending start/stop and NOT clock… but yeah, the m:s will not start/stop without clock being sent unfortunately.

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Ah! Cool, thanks for clarifying.

The morningstar controllers (i use MC6) will do the job. Mine works perfectly on both my rytm and octatrack. The Yamaha mfc10 is also liked for play/stop etc on elektron gear.