Pitch only based time stretching?

Could someone give an example, I don’t understand what you mean.
And what sampler has this function.

Ahem, nothing like repitch on the OT? Bummed to hear this tbh

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Hey Fisto, I think you can have fine tune BPM increments modulating PTCH with an LFO + custom wave (full positive). If you set all the nodes to 32 for example, in theory each point of depth amt will rise 0.5 BPM for a 123 BPM loop.

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you’re right, thanks for the info. the only drawback here is maybe that you don’t have such a nice “value-readout” like with the normal pitch (maybe the lfo depth would be the new read-out). So more guessing would be involved i think. But will try that also.
In a real world scenario I find that the artefacts are starting to become audible only when you change the tempo more than 2 bpm. 1 bpm is ok for the most part.
But with your static LFO +/-1bpm change would be +/-0.1 pitch-change. Very precise indeed :slight_smile:

Value read outs can be both PTCH and DEPx, PTCH as macro and DEPx as micro. :slight_smile:
I’m not sure about 0.1 BPM, I tested 0.5 BPM (+32 on the static’s nodes) increments by ear and it works, for 0.1 I can test with instruments (sine wave and oscilloscope) if you want.

Good a time as any to give this thread a little nudge :wink:


Just realised that OT doesn’t seem to support pitch based time stretch.
It’d be so nice if that was an option for ‘timestretch’ which would just alter the pitch based on tempo :o
There’s of course workarounds / hacks to get the effect, but native support would be fun.

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It would be awesome. Please Elektron, get on it :blush:

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Yeah, this would be really fun, back when I used to use an EHX 2880 for live looping a lot I used it all the time.

Hacks ?
As workaround, turning pitch can do the job, sounds similar as with TSTR off if pitch is matched. A pitch calculator can help with OG and new tempo.

Sliced sampled are more appropriate to pitch.

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