Pickup Machine to generate evolving grain rhythms

So, in defense of the pickup machines :angry: the are useful… :wink:
Again i preset the pickup machine number of steps… in this case it is three… all other stuff in this tracks use the sequencers and 16 steps…

This is the track:

and here is the explanation from soundcloud repeated… i hope it gives some insight into my approach both the grain rhythm looping and chaining/re-sampling…
Flex 1:Grained ”voice” random on len and start and lfo on rate… short hold , fader linked to hold. A rather random pattern with locks on balance so that it pans, get almost random in stereo… a chaotic pattern. Sends to cue as well
Pickup machine sampling/looping flex 1 via cue, 3 step loop… the multiple, add to loop and also replace… loop gets to 12 steps… the short grains add to a rhythm, then multiply, move fader, add to loop, maybe replace… (use one2 so that double tap on left record button becomes replace) repeat until you like what you hear…
Flex 2: samples Pickup machine loop and has some comb and filter action connected to fader
Flex 3: same sample as 2 but a “melody”, similar fader action as 2
Flex 4: similar to 1 but different sample, drum beat, also 1 has tstr while 4 has pitch on rate… similar deal with LFO’s and fader as 1 as well (this one appers as the pitched chaos stuff rather early
Flex 5 samples flex 4 as does 6… just different pan, rate and pitch…


Me like too.

I’ve stolen so much from Anders’ playbook. but there’s so much more to learn…

So goood !

I didn’t see it coming, it’s very interesting and inspiring…

You got your point :slight_smile: