Pickup Machine / Record Setup 2 monitor bug?

I just finally got my pickup machine live looping setup harnessed after really doing my head in trying to figure out why i was getting this phasing whenever the track I used for the pickup machine was merely selected, as my loop ran.

I had a bug in the Recording Setup #2 for the track, where AB input showed 0 but it was actually 100-ish. Reset it to “1” and its fine now.

Has anyone else ever experienced such a bug?
I can’t quite recreate it, which is doubly frustrating.
Really did my head in for about an hour tonight. :nej:

Possibly a setting kept after a part change.
Normally parts changes are effective after the first trig of the track of the new part. As Pickups don’t have trigs, it can be the culprit.

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I never changed parts since putting a pickup machine on that track.


I often wonder if this is a source of some of the more odd PU machine bugs.

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