I’ve set up a track to be a pick up machine. I set the record set up pages to listen to my source put the length to 32 steps put the machine in “dub” mode and can record an initial loop fine but when I press A-B to record an overdub I get “DUB ABORTED!” the initial loop continues but nothing new is added. Any help would be much appreciated
First thought that came: pitch and/or rate adjusted?
IIRC, I think that might give that “dub aborted!” response.
Are you using the Octatrack in SLAVE mode? In other words are you sending MIDI clock to Octatrack?
I’ve tried it with and without clock being sent with the same result.
And the pitch is at default 0
I’ve only seen this problem with a Slave pickup machine, never the Master Pickup Machine. Then again, I always had the recording length set to Max in the master rather than a set number of bars.
for anyone still searching for ‘DUB ABORTED’ i think it may help to know that if you have any pitch variation on your track you can not overdub, be it by lfo or otherwise ! i wonderd if it was memory until this thread pointed me in the right direction - it’s not master/slave related at all (not wrt sync, but PM)!
I got the DUB REC ABORTED error again during band rehearsal yesterday - and it was once again the slave pickup machine. The Pitch knob on the Slave Pickup Machine Track’s Playback page was set to 0, so I cannot blame that setting for causing it.
Of course the real fix would be for Elektron to fix this longstanding bug in an OS update.
I’ll try to investigate further this week, but I’m already leaning towards abandoning Pickup Machine usage altogether, now that I have an Akai Headrush E2 looping pedal, which I picked up for cheap ($89 blowout sale). On the E2, I have much more memory available for looping, and it’s more stable. In place of pickup machine, I’ll just use direct track recorder sampling/Flex machines.
I also frequently get that message, without any obvious reasons from my side. I think its a bug and usually “solve” the problem with a quick sequencer restart, which needs to be planned properly though. an official bugfix would be much more convenient.
i just came across this. here it was an lfo on the pitch. it needs to be at zero depth, then everything works fine.
This drove me so nuts.
If the transport was not activated I could sample and overdub no problem. But as soon as I tried it with transport activated I’d get the “overdub aborted” message. I went back and re-read the post and noticed that Dataline asked if the Synch was internal or external. As soon as I changed the Sync to Internal not external Everything worked correctly. That is, with transport on and off!!!
I hope this helps
Lately i’m trying out the pickups machines to preparing a looper project as a starting point.
When i set the (slave) pickup machines with a fixed LEN (1x,2x,4x or even 8x) then there’s no problem.
But when i set the LEN of the ‘slaves’ to OFF (and being more flexible in their lengths) then the ‘overdub aborted’ message starts to appear frequently. Reading this thread this behaviour makes sense because the OT changes the tempo sometimes after recording a ‘slave’ loop of an odd length; by changing the tempo it also timestretched the loops and overdubbing is impossible.
Is there a way to have a flexible length for slave pickup machines but to stop the OT from changing the tempo?
I seem to be able to over dub even if I change the pitch and fuck around with lfos and the pitch n the fader
Pick ups work really well for me
@Orwell 'm curious how you set them up and use them.
i have also been experiencing dub aborted messages while recording and I think they are caused when the OT is in midi slave mode for clock messages. I tried having the transport messages on and off and it didn’t effect the dub function, it seems to be only clock receive… I am running 1.25H .
Wait, so we can’t overdub when the OT is not the master?! Dammit! Back in the box. Anyone want to buy an OT?
You can overdub without using pick up machines.
Using recorder trigs and flex machines, you set up the recording track to sample the source, and self, adjust gain staging properly for the desired results.
In Recording 1 Set Up 1 page.
Set the INAB or INCD, then set the SRC3 to the track you are recording to, AND playing back from.
It will take some volume adjustments here and there, but this allows for overdubbing and it sounds cool too.
so in fact pick up machines are useless waste of memory
Pickup machines are simpler, they apply fade outs better, and with track recorders you can’t monitor the overdub while its recording, you here it on the next cycle…
Check this post about how to go about it, it takes two tracks to be able to monitor the overdub live without feedback using the recorders instead of pickups, scroll up from this post to read about the issues, or read the whole thread…
I don’t find pickup machines useless, and agree with Open_Mike.
You have to set a length limit - ie. don’t just leave it set to Max, and if you use any slave pickup machines, they have to be more severely limited.
I’ve experienced zero issues using one2mode, rlen max, and qrec/qpl set to plen or 64, with pickups to get loops of 64, 128, 256, 512, or 1024 steps… The parameter that messes my flow up is len on pickup main, I always set that to off for all pickups or my slaves don’t play back from the beginning upon the loop repeat… Might just be the way I use them…
I think all my pickups are always rlen max, and I use track recorders and one-shot record trigs for 64 steps…