Performing with the Dynamic Performance Sampler

You’re just mastering this monster :wink:
Good job!

Track 6 and 7.

Personally I’ll only use 2 tracks for drums and use sample chains but @GirTheRobot needs to able to mute individual drum parts because he’s playing live with other band mates.

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An update from our practice yesterday

I made sure everything was hyper consistent which saved me a lot of brain power. I ended up messing with the singer’s vocal part a lot (filter, reverb, rate, pitch) and at the end I would just reload the part. If I got it to a new place I permanently wanted it I would save the part too.

Some moments were pure gold and other moments didnt do so well just depending on what bit of vocal I caught…

Now I’m thinking about setting up scenes specifically for vocals but I’m not sure what. Rate? Pitch? LFO depth to filter width?

I’m also of course debating taking our master output and putting it back into my octatrack…I forgot to try that. Some songs manipulating his vocals works swimmingly, other songs not so much. My guitarist plays this great lick in one song, but at the end hes playing a cool melody instead. Maybe I’ll record his lick and bring it back in.

So many ideas it’s impossible to try them all


Under live conditions there is only so much you can try. Using plain recordings to experiment with for your own makes it a lot easier (not wasting the time of the others).

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For vocals, try some vibrato you can quickly fade in/out, filter width or maybe some tremolo (lofi effect amplitude modulation can go from nice and subtle to crazy, but obviously would need lofi in an fx slot). Rate for dramatic effects, but like @tnussb already said, try out what might work best at home and then maybe do a test run with your band before you go on stage.

I’d probaply stick to the ‘classics’ - vibrato, tremolo and filter + reverb or delay.


Filter and reverb are already staples on the vocal flex track across the board. Tremolo is a good idea…sending an LFO to the volume.

Yeah I guess next time I will actually save his vox so I can experiment at home lol. There is something liberating about not saving recordings though!