can someone confirm that the pattern scale multiplier can’t be adjusted between parts on the octatrack, analog rytm or analog four?
i’m quite certain this is the case, though the manuals don’t explicitly say so.
can someone confirm that the pattern scale multiplier can’t be adjusted between parts on the octatrack, analog rytm or analog four?
i’m quite certain this is the case, though the manuals don’t explicitly say so.
OT > It is a Pattern realated feature
AR > I don’t know (i do not have it)
AF > same as OT
What do you mean with Part?
For OT, it is quite straightforward,but AF doesn’t have Parts.
But, Patterns/Kits/Sounds.
Part = voices - track - channel
I do not understand what you are not able to achieve.
I mean: OT has Advanced Mode and you can set different Multiplier for the tracks.
On AF you can’t…you can only change the Pattern multiplier but not for the individual tracks.
On AR I don’t know
!!! found the octatrack one. thank you.
it doesn’t appear i can on the rytm, but i’ll check more later.
thanks for the help.
i wasn’t trying to do anything specific, other understand the limits of the machines. so i can understand how i can build songs.