Parts and Trig change?

With Parts, its the same Trig placement and sequences for each part is that right and If i change the trigs n one part that gets updated in each Part?

Trigs are not part(included in) of a Part

Trigs are contained in patterns, there are 16 patterns per Bank along with four Parts per Bank

Parts are sets of settings, so the trigs will not be changed (if you switch to a Part with a PickupMachine on a track which had trigs before the trigs will not be displayed, but they will be there if you return to the previous Part with a different machine type)

Look at this figure here and read the manual or other posts on this on the forum

So your first statement is true, but the conceptual side of your second query is flawed … trigs placed on a pattern are divorced from parts


Ah ok got it now, Was looking at the manual for the first time in a long time. Now I know why i put it away. :slight_smile:

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