There has been a thread on Audiofanzine last month, showing some interest for a workshop in Paris, France. Many people having Octatrack (or other Elektron gear) who can’t figure out how to use their equipment for various reasons.
It wouldn’t be stupid imho to put everyone in the same room for an afternoon and share our knowledge about the Swedish magic…
Saturday or Sunday afternoon
Some place with a soundsystem we can use (I have some idea but suggestions are welcome)
Someone asks about something they want to know and hopefully someone else more experienced can help, then someone else asks for something and so on.
Not very into Elektron-only-setUps but I might be in.
Instruments “booths” may be interesting. That would allow to have the MDists talking together without bothering the OTists or MnMists. Ideally, small PAs would be great.
…or maybe several events are better, in order to necessitate less hardware. Depending on the place…
Booths or separate desks for each machine/interest would be good but will have to be soundproofed from each other. It will require several rooms… can be done, will just be a little more restrictive for the venue.
We could have one first “generic” event to gauge interest. If there is a lot of demand, other events can emerge from it organically.
would enjoy attending (A4 MD (MnM maybe) ) … coming from Berlin, I really would have to be on a tight budget, but if the language is NOT french and not octatrack based , I would seriously consider it.
Thank you. Making tutorial is not an easy thing to do. I chose text comments on the videos instead of speech because you can make a pause on the video and still have the texte displayed… and you cannot with a voice . Also because i’m not a native english speaking, and i would make too many language mistakes.
So i will be happy to meet people in real life to share my knowledges and learn some new tricks, speaking english or french.
Are there any small gatherings/workshops that occur on a regular basis (weekly ideally) where synth heads can meet? I’m looking for something in Paris but any clues/ideas about where to look would be great.
If there’s someone in Paris to know exactly such a thing i would say it’s him :
Also IRCAM (Paris) have manny synth nerds… they probably could give info on that too
Jean-Loup Dierstein
41 rue Boursault
75017 Paris
Anyone in the Paris Area that is interested in synching and jamming with their elektron or other gear?
Sometimes we use to heat up more about missed features, music gears than making and sharing music and happiness.
I’ve some gear and i can do some noises, sometimes basic, sometimes not so good but sometimes i feel happy with that.