Parameter lock data on midi out?

I’ve managed to setup the Rytm mkII to send and receive midi to and from Cubase. It’s a great workflow for me because it allows me to use the Rytm sequencer to create the drum tracks and then record the midi into Cubase. I can then use Cubase to play back the Rytm and am still able to change any of the sound engine or sample settings to tweak the sounds. I use ‘dissolve part’ In Cubase to break down the single track I get, into the various channels Rytm broadcasts on, which means it’s easy to edit and add notes and fills if I later decide to without having to go back and re-program the Rytm sequencer just for a few extra beats here and there.

I also found that any movement of the knobs gets recorded via midi cc, as does the scenes and performances, which is really great.

The only disappointment is that the parameter locking doesn’t seem to transmit at all, which is weird because if I move a knob manually it records, but setting a p.lock does nothing.

Does anyone know any tricks/settings to get the plocks to be send via midi so I can record them or is it not possible?

It is not possible.


Oh that’s a shame, but thank you for replying to let me know.

I’ve been driven up the wall trying to work out what was going wrong - great to know this is the issue. Something that Elektron could fix pretty easily.

I’m pretty salty right now. Just picked up an AR since it’s the only Elektron that can direct jump besides A4. I knew the MIDI was limited but thought I’d be able to at least get some mileage out of it via notes + CCs. I can’t believe you can’t sequence the CCs. What a bummer.