'P1 dub aborted' error

I’m getting this error code under relatively benign conditions with a single pickup machine, lots of ram available. All lfo’s at zero, no pitch change, etc. Anyone else have experience troubleshooting something like this?

Is OT slave ?
If so it doesn’t work properly for Overdub mode. Not 100% sure for GAIN mode.


As far as i can tell OT is master for everything. I DO have an analog keys sending notes back into the OT midi in, but clock, prog ch, and transport receive are all OFF on the OT. Msybe it’s something less obvious in the midi settings?

Check AK Sync sends to be sure.
Actually I had that problem but I was checking different configs, OT was master, not sure if my A4 sync sends were off. I was :sketchy:.

You can try a “clear slot” for the recorder buffer in the audio editor attributes. This will clear the associated bpm and length and reset it on the next recording…

Forgot that function. It’s Fn+Clear, right ?
Don’t remember if I used it for a MEMORY FULL message…
How can it technically solve that kind of problems?

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hmm… not the AK sync sends and recording buffer clearing is not helping either…

New project, to be sure there’s no lfos, pitch changes… :wink:


It will clear the buffer and all associated attributes, if the tempo has been changed it will reset it, just a troubleshooter… I’ve had it resolve issues with recorder buffers here and there…

Interesting, new project worked (good tip!), but I still can’t get my original project to work. No lfo’s, pitch changes etc ANYwhere… buffer cleared a bunch of times… anything not yet mentioned that causes this error? It’s a 48 step pattern, qrec and qpl both set to plen… no slave pickup… also tried really short patterns that couldn’t possibly hit the ram limit.

Could you have a scene activated with plock on pitch or lfo?, you could try with scenes deactivated. If you have a part saved you could try a part reload, if not it’s a good idea to save one once it’s working for times like these…


That just solved it! I cleared both active scenes and it seems to have eliminated the error. I might have had an old LFO assignment in there. Thank you all!


Sweet, the lfo’s default to pitch so a lock on lfo dep can do it…


I’m gonna keep this one in the back of my brain because it seems like it will happen if you have a scene set to lfo dep targeting some parameter, but then you clear the lfo page and it targets pitch again…
Or if for some reason you set the scene on lfo dep but then save your part before adjusting the lfo target and later do a part reload…

Totally! I forsee bumping into this issue again for sure.

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I’d say feature request: have lfo page default to something other than pitch when using pickups, but it’s probably too late for that…

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Now I start running into this dub aborted shit all the time. Not the biggest killer for my beatbox looping workflow but surely annoying. Maybe Elektron could help us loopers out in a future update. Gathering my info’s on this but guessing my habit of pitch changing on my loops is the culprit for most of my aborted messages

Even with OT only?
OT master ?

Edit : yes, avoid pitch with Pickups overdub.
You can use pitch with Flex machines, playing Pickups recordings.


Ok following up on the experiences here: i was getting p1 dub aborted in a “save as new” project.

I still had the error even with no scenes on pitch or LFO’s.

I changed all three lfo destinations from ptch to something else not pitch related…all good.


I have literally never gotten pickup machines to work reliably with external clock from anything, no matter how stable. But I’ve also never had this error happen wuth the OT as master in over 3 years

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