Overbridge needs some measures to sync?

i’m a new analog rytm mk2 and overbridge user. At first glance i thought i spotted latency or jitter when i started recording into my daw, but when i look in detail it seems that the timing is exactly on the grid - after roundabout 8-9 measures.
Analog Rytm starts a little late, then getting faster to catch up the delay and after say, 20-30 seconds everything is in sync.
I could live with editing the recording later but i’m wondering why catching up sync takes this long.
i guess its not a prob with my setup, i use to sync lots of hardware with it. Sonar, Fireface, new versions.

Are you playing sequences you wrote on the machine? I ask because
a) Overbridge has always only kind of worked, and will take any excuse to not work

b) I just fired up Logic and some Elektron devices today and the plugin warned me that everything should be sequenced/controlled from the plugin. I went ahead and wasted my whole morning fighting with these machines and yeah, working with sequences and arrangements already on the machine didn’t go well.

i experienced the timing lag with overbridge when i was trying to sync the internal analog rytm sequencer to my daw.
in addition to it sometimes the overbridge audio routing to my daw was lost too and i had to restart the daw.
thats when the fun with overbridge got lost for me and i switched to normal midi and audio to daw via cables.
this works fine.