Overbridge + Logic Pro triggering unwanted midi when selecting a channel

Hello everyone from this amazing community!
I am a new Rytm MkII user (been studying a lot these weeks tho) and I am experiencing issues in the interaction of Logic-Overbridge-Rytm configuration.
Can’t tell exactly why but it seems that every time I select a DAW track/channel on the DAW mixer or viewport the BD rytm track is triggered. Additionally, every time I select a DAW track different than the one with the overbridge plugin loaded, the kick gets muted until I tap the kick pad on the rytm.

I need to be able to send midi data from logic to rytm and not only the opposite, so I cannot just deactivate the midi receive on the rytm.

Please tell me someone knows how to solve this thing. (I think it might depend on some midi settings in logic but I couldn’t find anything useful online).